Rampaging Karen Intentionally Crashes into as Many...
- This Karen in Mission Viejo California went completely...
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What She Says Will Drive You Nuts!
19 Gems of Useful Knowledge
- Life hacks, practical tips and overall useful...
Life of the Individual
- It's all around us, this culture that we live in. We...
30 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches You Didn’t Know Could...
- In honor of National Grilled Cheese Month right now!
Late Nite Classic: Gruesome Safety Video
- A safety PSA that's full of "bad horror film" quality...
23 Weird Websites That Will Freak You Out
- Some of these weird websites may cause you to question...
25 Neat Sites To Make You Clever
- A collection of awesome sites if you're looking into...
10 People with Unbelievable Medical Conditions
- Bizarre medical conditions you will have a hard time...
23 Examples of Women Logic
- Funny examples of women logic at it's finest.
Carlos Mencia Is At It Again
- You know...being his normal racist self
Hateful And Rude Guy Interviews Porn Stars
- Is this trolling or just downright mean?
North KoreaN Propaganda Film "EXPOSES WESTERN...
- Though it's a part of a LEAKED propaganda film from...
Pick Up Lines So Dumb, They Might Work
- Who knows, you might just get lucky!
32 Websites That Can Save You Money
- A collection of websites that can help save you a buck...
How To Use Fame To Get Any Girl's Number
- Chick completely blows off this kid until she thinks...
You're Doing It Wrong!
- 40 examples of people who just don't get it...
Cops Called On Bodybuilder For Grunting
- Guy gets police called on him for grunting while...
Life Hacks - Microwave Edition
- These are sure to come in handy
The Best Of Pranks In GIFs
- 35 funny pranks, served up in animated .GIF format.
Awesome Apocalypse Knives Demonstration
- This apocalypse "Proof" knives demo reel is a knife...
33 Hilarious Facebook Fails
- Some Facebook moments that will make you facepalm.
Wonders Of Mother Nature
- Awesomely beautiful what she can do
Signs It's Time To Quit Your Job
- I Hate My Life!
Want to talk smack? Call this number....
- Late night tv commercial.
42 Life Hacks For A Healthier You
- Simple tips and tricks to make life a little easier.
Drunk Driving Teen Kills 4, Too Rich For Jail
- He got probation due to being "too rich to understand...
What Would They Look Like Today
- This is what the music legends would look like today...
Aziz Ansari: Why Marriage is Insane
- Aziz explains why the concept of marriage is actually...
These People Have Boo-Boos
- If You Look Closely, You'll See The Owies
Get motivated
- Some quotes and pictures to help you get motivated
Relatable Porn Issues
- Funny porn related issues that many people out there...
Zen Quotes
- Think positive
Never Mess With This Girl's Purse
- This sassy southern girl gives you 5 good reasons why...
Epic Cat Fight
- wtf
Man Scared By Raptor On The Loose
- A funny office prank involving an unsuspecting...
- Insight from both sides
Three things you didn't know about Islam
- Informative video with surprising facts about Islam,...
The Adventures Of Muhammad The Muslim Scum
- I'm surprised American presidency candidates don't...
Force Fed Under Standard Gitmo Procedure
- Actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (Mos Def), experiences the...
- 111 Uploads
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- Last Login: 10 weeks ago
- User Since: Aug 27, 2007
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You Don't like what I say but I say what the fuck I feel. Being banned from EbaumsWorld ain't no big deal.
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