SNL's Cold Open 'Biden v Trump' First Debate
- Season 46 of SNL premiered over the weekend and Jim...
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Funny Controversy
- You may find this funny or you may not. Laugh anyways.
Street Crossing Buttons
- Street artist changed a few crossing buttons to...
Life in Drumpf's Swampland
- The Coronavirus is not Disneyland.
Life of an Unfit POTUS
- Drumpf is a Berserker - an unapologetic crook who eats...
Cockwomble 2
- New book deal agreement - Trump: The Art of How to...
Drumpf Cockwombles
- The majority of Americans want you impeached! You...
Lock Him Up!
- Impeachment is not a criminal offense, double jeopardy...
Drones, Ms Liberty, Smoking Gun Mickey, Barbed Wire McD
- Ahead of the 40th anniversary of the Tehran US embassy...
Severe, Continuous, Mentally Retarded Sociopathic...
- The laughing stock of the free world. Loves dictators,...
It's Mueller Time!
- Get your blue caps on. Dump Drumpf! Article 25.
Donald Trump Spells With A 5th Grade Reading Level
- The President of The United States of America is NOT...
Make America Clean Again!
- Even if you have tiny hands and drop a YUUUGE pile...
Assh*le Pisses on the Seat in Front of Him on Plane
- This is after he verbally and physically assaulted two...
Hilarious Paintings Of President Trump Portraying Him...
- If Donald Trump was from Russia, there is a good...
This Barack Obama Deepfake Video Shows We Are Headed...
- Woah there Mr President, there are kids listening.
Drumpf As America Knows Him
- Mueller investigation tightens noose. Soon the worst...
Drumpf's First Year Failures
- When it couldn't get worse in steps Drumpf to make it...
President Trump Struggles to Remember The Words of the...
- Trump took to the field during the National Anthem at...
December 14, 2017, The Drumpf Out-House
- A pedophile who was endorsed by a sexual predator...
Donald Trump Has Dentures: Confirmed!
- Either Trump just ate a pb&j or his dentures weren't...
Today's Pick of The Week: Drumpf Sucks!
- Is he lying? Is he deluded? Is he a Fascist? Is it...
Idiot in Chief gives PR what they need most - paper...
- Fucking mods halt your bullshit editing.
- Drumpf spent millions to hide these photos. Why? Must...
The unNormal World of Drump
- Nailed it!
The Real Crowd Size At Trump's Phoenix Rally
- Trump said on Twitter that 15,000 people were at the...
Ich bin ein Drumpf Shithead
- Vomit stink display of hatred, bigotry and violence by...
Maybe build a wall, gonna fill up our bank accounts!
- Got no dirt on Clinton and it's not...
How The World Sees Drumpf
- A diaper wearing tool....baaa-waw-waw-waw eBW...
Drumpf's Chin Looks Like a Toad
- Croak...Ribbit....Ribbit...Croak...Ribbit
Violent Drumplizards Attack Protesters
- Typical uneducated half-baked Lizards. They removed...
- Humpty Drumpfty built his stupid wall...Humpty...
Life Wrecking POTUS
- The divorce needs to happen now. And to be clear, Mr....
The Donald, The Boy President
- It's Fake News...I'm Racist, Fake News...I'm a Nazi,...
Drumpf Supporters Attack Peaceful Protesters
- Armed with large sticks, clubs and 2x4's Drumpfthugs...
Stephen Colbert Shreds Apart Trump's New Phone Buddy, ...
- "Just imagine info, then imagine someone at war with...
- The brainwashed uneducated ignorant right. Nuff said.
Trump Caught Bragging On Hot Mic About Being Able to...
- Trump talks on a hot mic about how he just walks up to...
What Drumpf Lied About in the Debate Sept 27
- Creep can't stop lying. Everything is a big fat lie,...
Drumpf Health Letter Released
- Writes whacko letter in 5 minutes waiting for limo.
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