Hatchery Horrors
- Thrown, dropped, mutilated, and ground-up alive. This...
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- 1 guy plus 1 fart noise maker equals FUNNY
Bizarre Animal Explodes
- some weird vagina monster explodes after drinking coke.
Ball Boy Fail
- A ball boy at the U.S. Open eats shit on TV.
Baseball Game Proposal DENIAL
- some poor guy gets rejected in front of a crowded...
Amazingly preserved mummies go on display in Mexico...
- Dozens of macabre mummified corpses, still with their...
Station Fire Time Lapse Sunset
- The La Canada Station Fire's smoke plume, visible all...
Michael Jordan 1 on 1 vs Slamball player
- Michael Jordan at age 46 schooling slamball superstar...
Don't Ask Don't Tell
- An army of one bigoted son of a bitch.
Robots swim with the fishes
- A team of MIT researchers has built a school of...
Air Show 2009 Crash
- Su-27 from Belarusian Air Force crashed on Air Show...
Bumblebee Boy
- Bumblebee toy from transformer stop motion break...
Officer Does Not Like anti-Obama Poster "It ain't...
- This video was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at...
Brett Favre Injures Defender With a Crackback Block
- Brett Favre dishes out some punishment with a...
A Day in The Life of Dax Flame
- A day in the life of Dax Flame while in California...
Cool Tatoos
- creative tatoos that you won't regret in the morning...
Aerosmith's Steven Tyler's Fall From Stage
- Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler's fall from the stage...
Kid gets owned in water fight
- Neighborhood water fight turns ugly when an old...
Don't Text and Drive whilst listening to Queen.
- Sometimes you can't help but headbang to Queen....
Garden Party Massacre
- A peaceful birthday party for an old man takes a...
Rod Wood gets stung by a bee
- Workday not going as planned? Veteran CNY news anchor...
Naked Man Hijacks a Bus
- Arris Pitmon hijacked a bus half naked in Atlanta full...
Bruno Kammerl's Megawoosh - How he did it
- The incredible water slide video is part of a viral...
How many redheads does it take to change the toner?
- woman changing the toner in the copy machine makes a...
Kid flips car down hill
- kid flips his very first car down a steep hill.
Fat Guy Freaking Out!
- Fat guy rips the internet a new one and starts having...
'Alien baby' in Mexico stumps experts
- Is this bizarre creature really an alien baby or just...
15-year-old Stripper's Grandma Attacks Cameraman!
- When a news crew went to Rosemary Lumpkin's house, the...
Interacting Laser
- weird laser that interacts with objects.
Dog sleeping with its eyes open
- a pug sleeping with its eyes rolled back in its head
Amazing Cat using the Toilet
- Watch as this cat uses the toilet and toilet paper
Winkers The Pants with Eyes
- Winkers Jeans let your butt do the winking.
WTF Blanket 3 Awful Pun Overload
- Your dog will PAW his TAIL at these DOGGONE awful puns.
Prep Pushed in the Ocean
- Random guy pushes street performer in the water.
Brett Favre Sears Outtakes Commercial
- Exclusive behind the scenes footage as Brett Favre...
Lollapalooza 2009 The worlds worst Dancer
- Hopefully this guy does drugs and this isn't the way...
Cheating Man Wears Sign In Public Admitting to...
- Husband cheats on Wife and has to stand with a sign...
- Groundhog calling for Alan then Steve. Sharks...
Marshmallow Murder
- A bag of marshmallows get fired up
Nerd Freaks out
- Gamer freaks out and breaks his computer monitor.
- 181 Uploads
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- Last Login: 733 weeks ago
- User Since: Jul 1, 2009
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鳥を見つけて何か文句(?)を言っているユッケです。「あっち行 って~!」みたいなことを言っているのかも?これからの季節、目 の前の柿の木の柿が実り、それをめあてに鳥達がやってきます。そ れを見てユッケがよくおしゃべりをする季節でもあります。
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