Roller babies international
- Evian water Roller Babies international version
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Highly Trained Cat
- amazing cat masters obstacle course
Childrens BOP!
- Why listen to music sung by the artist themselves when...
Internet People
- famous youtube videos put into a very catchy song
How Not to Ollie
- if your going to teach skateboarding its probably good...
Popcorn in Ultra Slow Motion
- heres what it looks like inside the bag
- spooky
Try not to laugh or Grin
- Don't laugh
- why play video games when you can nuke-em
Greatest Freakout Ever! Remix
- best one yet
Keyboard Cat plays off freakout Kid
- Keyboard Cat and others play off the WoW Freakout Kid.
Resident Evil vs Kingdom Hearts
- MC pee pants gives his input on the games
Train derailed
- Containers lie alongside railroad tracks in Union...
Resident Evil vs Kingdom Hearts
- MC pee pants tells about Kingdom hearts and Resident...
hitler finds out Michael jackson has died
- I never would have guessed hitler was a fan
Chuck Norris Rap
- Choose your comments carefully
Kid gets owned by hammer
- he gets a huge lump on his fore head the size of a...
kid gets brain rushed
- Watch this kid freak out as he tries to answer trivia...
Levitating Pussy
- guy attempts to levitate his cat Ernie. Do not try...
Women Can't Drive
- this video is proof that women can not drive
Stunt Plane
- I can see what she had for lunch
- 181 Uploads
- Profile Views: 22,673
- Media Views: 1,317,355
- Media Watched: 1,393
- Media Featured: 16
- Media Favorited: 12
- Last Login: 733 weeks ago
- User Since: Jul 1, 2009
About Me
鳥を見つけて何か文句(?)を言っているユッケです。「あっち行 って~!」みたいなことを言っているのかも?これからの季節、目 の前の柿の木の柿が実り、それをめあてに鳥達がやってきます。そ れを見てユッケがよくおしゃべりをする季節でもあります。
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