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dad, whats a pussy?
- A man and his four year old son are talking, when his...
licking ass
- A woman goes into a restaurant in a small town out in...
Forrest Gump Animation
- forrest gump in lego
The Night Santa Came - Lego Animation
- just a stop motion animation i did about a year ago...
feeling like a woman
- As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger...
farmer and his wife
- A farmer is lying in bed with his wife when he turns...
going in hard
- what goes in hard and comes out soft? bubblegum
Why wasnt the clown laughing
- why wasn't the clown laughing? he had an axe in his...
gay criminal
- A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15...
- what do you call a bee that collects milk? a...
Open jane's legs
- a man doesnt know what to name his bar. so the man...
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- User Since: Jun 25, 2010
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