Allen Iverson Press Rap Auto-tune
- funny video that uses auto-tune over sports...
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Friends Forever
- Radio station performs "Friends forever", a song from...
The Black Dark Knight
- A dark knight mix up.
Weird Sprinkler Lady
- so rainbows come from chemicals in the water eh?
Speed Chess
- the most interesting game of chess i've ever seen...
Ants in Printer
- how does something nasty like that happen
Man jumps over charging bull
- this guy must have some hops
Dancing Bees
- a bunch of guys dressed up as bees for a good cause
- a visual of expressions from blogger.com. cool concept.
Huge banjo
- old clip of the world's largest banjo
John Daly uses beer can as tee
- This classy pro golfer uses a beer can as a tee.
Best Pizza ever
- tired of regular pizza? try VERTICAL PIZZA!
Bar Quarter Trick
- you could definatly use this to impress the ladies
Owned by moutain
- the last time this guy tries to go golfing on a moutain
R04D R4H
- alternative rap song by Mc Hochie about one of the...
Sexy Beer Ad
- An advertisement for Guniess beer with questionable...
The Light Ping Pong Masters
- guys do some pretty crazy tricks with ping pong balls
Car Rolling Competition
- They was rollin, lol
Wolrd's Worst Olympic tryout
- Three guys try out. Two get disqualified. One has to...
Phone Masterpiece
- guy plays classical music with various phones.
Extreme Power wheeling ownage
- Doesnt get much more extreme then this lol
Danny Way Monster Crash on Ramp
- when are they going to redesign this thing. Back to...
Female House M.D
- Chicks, heh
Monster Truck destroys floor
- I think the title describes itself.
New Step Brothers
- Baron Davis and Steve Nash are the new step brothers....
Owned By Huge Soccerball
- kid cause thrown backwards after getting hit by...
Driving Threw a Sandstorm
- one of the most unique things ive seen in awhile
Kid plays ozzy songs on guitar
- He's a beast
Odd abs workout
- Guy works his abs out...by hitting his face
Dude Lights Hair on Fire
- Crazy guy thinks he's badass
Elevated Handstand
- her boyfriend's a lucky dude
Funny Game show
- Game show, reminds me of the dating game for kids,...
Action Cat!
- Action cat gets all the action!
Funky Asian Kung Fu movie
- A random moive which contains fight scenes with a man...
Super Cute Sloth
- this baby sloth is cuter then your average cat or dog...
Judge Judy in a Earthquake
- Footage of an episode of Judge Judy interupted by an...
Leah Dizon Sexy School Girl Gallery
- An ample amount of pics of Leah Dizon in various...
Penny Prank
- guy trie's to pay resturant with pennies
Car on E
- please dont let friends drive cars that are on E
Fantasy Football Rap
- Two dudes rappin about fantasy football.
- 92 Uploads
- Profile Views: 17,020
- Media Views: 577,226
- Media Watched: 1,510
- Media Featured: 1
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- Last Login: 16 weeks ago
- User Since: Jul 7, 2008
About Me
I'm just your average joe putting up stuff i think is amusing, and that others may enjoy.
I try to balence Gallerys of pretty women, with funny/amusing videos.
I also do post some original content (im a musician, photographer, and writer)
Please comment if you would like to see more! :-)
I noticed alot of people have goals in this site... I have relativly simple goals. Some featured media would be nice... Also comment on any of my media if you want more info. cool and thanks for reading.
Happy 100 uploads! (throws party for self)
OVER NINETHOUSAANDD! points...aiming for more (com'on ps3)
I try to balence Gallerys of pretty women, with funny/amusing videos.
I also do post some original content (im a musician, photographer, and writer)
Please comment if you would like to see more! :-)
I noticed alot of people have goals in this site... I have relativly simple goals. Some featured media would be nice... Also comment on any of my media if you want more info. cool and thanks for reading.
Happy 100 uploads! (throws party for self)
OVER NINETHOUSAANDD! points...aiming for more (com'on ps3)
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