Garfield 2
- Q:Why did the dog cross the road? A:To slobber on...
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Garfield joke
- Q:Why did garfield take a nap in the...
dog joke
- what kind of dog washes clothes? A: a laundromutt
- Why did the watchdog keep turning in circles? A: He...
raining cats and dogs
- Dont go out if its raining cats and dogs. You might...
Slow Dog
- How can you tell when you have a slow dog? A: He...
- Whats the difference between a barking dog and an...
Black Spot
- What do you call the black spot between a dogs...
Pretty Bored
- Hi everybody Im kind of new to this whole...
I Want to Buy That
- A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if...
Tiff With Riley
- ''''My God! What happened to you?'''' the bartender...
Tough Love
- A dying man smells his favorite oatmeal raisin cookies...
Chastity Belt
- A man decided to march in the holy crusades....
the devoted wife
- A devoted wife had spent her lifetime taking care of...
Respectfully Cheating
- Jack and Betty are celebrating their 50th wedding...
Stewed Tomatoes
- A guy is going on an ocean cruise, and he tells his...
Bus Stop Blondes
- Two blondes are waiting at a bus stop. When a bus...
My Father, The Whorehouse Piano Player
- A grade school teacher was asking students what their...
lawyer 2
- One day, there was this lawyer who had just bought a...
- YOU know you need a Different Lawyer when ...... *...
- At the bottom of an escalator, scream "MY...
- When you're in a bathroom stall take a Snickers candy...
dead turkey
- A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the...
- The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped...
joke 2
- A truck driver was driving along the freeway. A sign...
- a son a father and a grandpa went fishing they each...
hanging boy
- a boy is alone in a room with no windows and the only...
baby with wings
- a black baby was given wings by god he said does this...
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