Amazing Soccer Goal by Beckham
- Beckham nails a 70 yard goal after the goalie takes a...
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Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts
- Jackie Chan kicks Chuck Norris' ass
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- Possibly the funniest scene of any episode
Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States
- I guess stupidity runs in the presidency
Grand Theft Auto IV
- The game is finally out and it's the best game ever....
Bill O'Reilly Flips Out
- Apparently there were some technical difficulties, so...
7.8 Earthquake in China
- This home footage shows what it was like during the...
Airplane landing
- WOW! Insane Airplane landing...must see!
Deadly car accident
- Unbelievable Highway Accident... Must see!
UFO in Texas
- UFO over TEXAS University
UFO in Dallas
- UFO over Dallas, Texas
Train vs. Truck
- Staged Accident for entertainment
Train vs Truck
- train destroys truck
Train hits tractor-trailer
- who the hell left that there
Train crash
- staged crash test
train accident
- train accident
747 crash
- Tradewinds Boeing 747 Rejected Takeoff Crash
Rail accident
- Terrible Rail Crossing Accident
Super cool weapons
- check out these guns
Street racing
- Ferrari vs Subaru WRX
F1 crash
- Start Crash Canadian GP 1998 F1
Indy crash
- Stan Fox's HORRIFIC Indy Car Crash
Spectacular Train Crash
- crazy train accident
Shot in the stomach with a rifel
- ouch...why?!?!?
Race crash
- Senna Schumacher Crash 1992
Near miss by plane
- RIAT 2005 Eurofighter Near Miss
Reporter Gets Hit By A Plane
- looks like it hurt...ALOT
Low flying airplane
- REALLy low flying airplane
Drag race fatal accident
- Real, drag car crash, face the death!
Low plane
- Polish MiG-23 low altitude
Police car crash
- chase causes accident
Police Car Crash
- police chase leads to crash
Plane water crash
- Plane Crashes into water Pilot Ejects
Plane crash
- caught on tape
Plane crash
- caught on tape
Plane crash above beach
- Plane Crash Chalk's Ocean Airways
Plane and concrete wall
- Plane crash test on concrete wall
Indy crash
- Paul Dana IRL Indy Car Crash Death
paintball stomach
- Paintball shot in stomach
Paint Ball Cherry
- ouch
- 232 Uploads
- Profile Views: 12,941
- Media Views: 731,798
- Media Watched: 6,729
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- Media Favorited: 6
- Last Login: 520 weeks ago
- User Since: Mar 9, 2007
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guy from nyc
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