Hit And Run Driver Chased Down And Followed Home
- "You side-swipped us", is not what you say when you're...
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Good Samaritan Saves Girl Being Assaulted By Complete...
- A man walking through the park stumbled on a woman...
- 42 Awesome Images Will Make Your Day
Road Rage Lady Screams Like A Possessed Demon
- What is happening here?
New video of shocked and Bloodied United passenger...
Say hello to my little friend
- Guy has his mirrors stolen by some lowlife scum....
Father busts daughter playing threesome with others in...
- Daughter says she has the right to do anything she...
31 Pics That Will Make You Facepalm
- Some crazy, wtf photos.
Pissed Off Guy Punches A Roulette Machine After Losing...
- This guy is not having a good night!
Drunk Woman Becomes Sexually Aggressive at the Dance...
- She's a wild woman
Clit o clock consumer report
- This lady is funny
Movie Superheroes Recast by the Internet
- Sure Marvel and DC have done a pretty decent job...
This Is What A Living Sand Dollar Looks Like
- I bet you thought they were white.
Tailgater Gets Brake Checked and
- Then Loses Control of Car
Ask A Porn Star Embarrassing Porn Stories
- On this episode of Ask A Porn Star, we ask them to...
Couple Awarded 1.3 Million In Racial Profiling Lawsuit...
- A Charleston jury on Wednesday reached a $1.3 million...
Flair Bartending: This Bottle Cap Bar Trick Is Like...
- Are you a bartender, or a wizard?!
35 Most WTF Stuff You Will See Today!
- Crazy web junk!
Woman Accidentally Ruins Her Own Yoga Video
- All that stretching loosens her up and she lets one...
DMCA - Amazon's Alexa Gets A Fresh New Look
- Who wouldn't want a creepy robotic skull as a...
Amateur MMA Flying Cage Kick Fail
- It looks a lot easier than it really is.
Angry construction worker swearing like a sailor,...
- f*cking cocksucker
Midweek pic dump
- Good waste of time
This Is What Servers Wish Customers Knew About Tipping
- If you ever eat at a restaurant, you need to read this
- Ask a pornstar
22 Dumb Facebook Posts That Will Crack You Up!
- The stupid meter level keeps rising!
Fat Boy Loves Pain!
- Rock and roll dude!
RAW VIDEO Racist Muslim Man Intimidates White Female...
- This video shows an Muslim Arab man, who maybe a...
Rare And Weird News Headlines That You Don’t See...
- Crazy wild wtf news stories!
Woman on Drugs Goes Crazy - Bad Trip - Venice Beach
- Boy she really freaks out!
28 Times You'll Want To Scream At The Top Of Your Lungs
- You're doing it wrong!
Onlookers Get Obliterated By Rogue Wave
- Did not see that coming!
Epic Bitch Slap During MMA Weigh-In
- Now I need to see this fight!
911 Pentagon Footage with missile Never Before Seen
- Micro plane?
21 Honestly Horrifying Stories From Girls Who Got...
- It's scary & can happen to anyone-watch out for those...
Open Carry Douchebags get a Little Surprise in...
- Open Carry jackson Copblock Trolls enter Dearborn...
Drama Queen Gets Stuck On Elevator And Freaks Out
- The boyfriend has no clue how to handle the situation.
Drunk man thinks the Breathalyzer is a microphone
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- User Since: Feb 6, 2012
About Me
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. SUB ME PLEASE,back at cha!P5JyL8rVWy3GvPvBkKpwDisV6
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