This Ridiculous Piece Of Actual Fake News Could Land...
- In the past year of media coverage, two words have...
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Killer Whales Learn to Speak Better than Some...
- A new study shows that orcas can copy human speech...
31 People Who Are Just Too Bad For This World
- Much facepalming required for such cringe
- Black Heads Galore!
Only Two Kinds Of Girls Exist!
- I Think you've Seen Them
Russian Girls Celebrate Orthodox Epiphany By Diving...
- MOSCOW — Thousands of Russians have taken a dip in...
Comedienne goes on stage way too high and it turns out...
- The high set on Billy Anderson's Gateway Show
Idiot in Sailboat is Almost Killed By a Massive Tanker...
- This guy waited too long to try and get out of the way...
18-Year-Old Italian Model Is Selling Her Virginity
- Nicole Minetti wants to go to college but first, she...
Young MMA Fighter Sends His Opponent To The Shadow...
- A spinning leg kick to the head should just about do...
Things Really Get HOT at This Beauty Pageant!
- One contestant's feathered hat catches on fire in the...
23 Mysterious Facts About The X-Files
- Interesting facts about America's favorite and longest...
33 Reasons Why Canada is the Weirdest
- It seems like a whole different world
Giant Chunks of Ice Fall From a 1600 Foot Tall TV Tower
- Two guys take their lives into their hands as they...
Scumbag Thief Gets Owned While Trying to Rob Cell...
- He even tries to to plead with the owners to let him...
Dealership Tells Man That His Ford F-250 Isn't...
- That has got to be big the biggest load of bullshit I...
When touching an Electric Eel Seems Like a Good Idea
Drunk Fan Passes Out And Get's His Beer Stolen, Then...
- Must be a good game...
This Woman Is Eating Her Mother For Christmas
- Not the touching tribute I think she was hoping to...
This Beautiful Gun Concealment Table Is Straight Out...
- This table has a hidden gun-storage compartment with a...
40 Awesome Girls With Big Guns
- Like guys with big guns
Woman Uses Cristiano Ronaldo's Bizarre Mouth Fitness...
- Nothing like working out your mouth while waiting for...
Nurse Shark Attacks Snorkeler In The Caribbean
- Not a bloody attack but that must've been super weird...
Forklift Drivers Stop Thieves From Getting Away With...
- Intuitive staff at a warehouse prevented a group of...
This Woman Teacher Gave Some Unconventional...
- To Her Student In A Local Park (6 pics)
Alcohol Run Gone Wrong
- Dude tries to steal everything he can...
Stool Collapses and Stabs Guitar Player In The Anus
- Epic Fail - Stool collapses on guitar player -...
Rugby 'War Goddess' Georgia Page Doesn't Give Up On A...
- "Oh, you boys play football in pads and helmets,...
Sex Trafficking Victim Who Received Life In Prison For...
- Cyntoia Brown who was sentenced to life in prison for...
8 Inventors Who Ended Up Regretting Their Inventions
- Mikhail Kalashnikov – The man who created the...
That Last Moment Before Total Disaster Strikes
- 33 Pictures taken at the perfect time
Cyclists Getting Owned By Car Doors Compilation
- Sometimes it's the cyclist's fault and sometimes it's...
Wannabe Tough Guy Accidentally Fires His Gun During...
- Not so cool now are you?
How A Bear's Den Looks From Inside
- Until very recently, everything we knew about bear...
The Before/After Moments Of This Pulitzer Prize...
- A war photographer named Khalid Mohammed captured...
Flash Mob Of High Schoolers Steal TONS Of TVs
- Smart TV'S can be tracked so these dumbasses might get...
Police Try To Illegally Detain And Search A Man's...
- It's a sad state of affairs when people must know more...
Woman Caught Smuggling Drugs Into Prison With Her Flip...
- If there's a will there's a way!
Savage Fan Powerbombs Bro And Continues To Dominate...
- These dudes are having a good time.
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- User Since: Feb 6, 2012
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. SUB ME PLEASE,back at cha!P5JyL8rVWy3GvPvBkKpwDisV6
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