South Park "Kyles Mom's A Bitch"
- live performance of the song from South Park Bigger,...
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Against The Wind.
- a windy day for a bike ride in Nebraska
Clock Block Kaboom!
- a guy and his girl are trying to get busy, but his...
Cuteness Level: Kitten Vs. Puppy Fight
- a kitten squares off with a puppy
Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball In G Major
- things get creepy in a different key and negative
Ended That Argument Quickly
- a pipe to the face will do that.
Indiana State University Plays Bohemian Rhapsody
- an orchestral version of the classic rock anthem by...
Firecracker Wake-up Call
- Now that's what you call a crotch rocket!
Amazing Speed Painting Skills
- speed painter on Anderson Cooper impresses the judges
Pissed About Some Piss
- kid pisses on guys steps and gets pwned by the owner
Star Wars Street Art
- some pretty cool pictures
The Best Pick Pocket Ever
- The "Gentleman Thief" shows off his impressive...
Guy Gives Pussy A Beating
- room-mate caught on hidden camera on inside edition
Close Call Compilation
- a bunch of very lucky people here
Aaaaand Down She Goes!
- loud mouth woman gets tased and drops like a freshly...
Dumbo Gets Laid
- elephant gets some action!
Getting Girls Wet
- pushing a girl into a pool does not go as planned
Hockey Fakeout
- player fakes out goalie like a boss
Stripper Pole Breaks Durning Dance
- A stripper eats it hard when her pole snaps in two!
Blow Job Kung Fu!
- odd BJ defense tactic...her kung fu is strong.
Shock and Fall
- jumper on a electrical tower gets zapped
Alki David's Fart Promptly Ends Interview
- Don't want to be interviewed, follow this genius...
Lava Vs. Ice
- Syracuse University experiment.
Blowjob Bandit
- guy rapes men with sneak attack blowjobs
I Got Wobbles
- speed wobbles a prelude to pain.
Pay The Toll!
- a costly trip through the toll booth
Brake A Leg Don't Rip It Open
- kid suffers nasty wound on a failed bike jump...I'm...
3rd Rail BBQ
- drunk ass falls on third rail of subway track and...
Knock Out Dance Moves Kid
- little girl K.O.'s herself
2 Points!!!...Bonus For The Distance On The Slide.
- crosswalks are a dangerous place
Miss McNasty Pee Pants
- a girl pees her pants in McDonald's
Sticks The Landing...Almost
- mini bike jump
Longboard Loop Fail
- attempt at completing a loop on a longboard
Dogs Under Water
- underwater photos of dogs diving
Smoking Weed Out of A Fish
- don't ever tell a smoker they can't make a pipe out of...
Angry Scotts Speak English...I Think.
- European talk show features an angry Scottish couple
Huge Group of Girls
- yep. that's about right
Interspecies Erotica
- deers need love too!
Hot Chick Giant Spider Prank
- hottie pranks her boyfriend with giant rubber spider
Failure Can Be A Total Drag
- drag car fails at launch and completely severs the...
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