Charlie Murphy telling the story of Mike Tyson and his...
- The joe rogan experience
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Teacher Caught On Tape Swearing And Bragging About His...
- Parent's are outraged at the profanity used with his...
Scamming A Company That Scams The Elderly
- This scammer gets mad when she realizes she's been...
Canadian Magician Wows Judges
- Darcy Oake's trick leaves the "Britain's Got Talent"...
Ronda rousey 14sec tap out
- Ronda Rousey Record 14 second fight DAMN! UFC184 -...
Ronda Rousey Is A Legitimate Badass
- An awesome highlight video of the undefeated Ronda...
Man Kayaks Across Atlantic
- almost dies 9 times
Woman farts on set of interview, causes Paris Hilton...
- Woman farts on set of interview, causes Paris Hilton...
Best Robin Williams impression I have seen
- Best Robin Williams impression I have seen Jamie Costa
Called Out For Parking In Handicap Spot
- This woman gets angry that she's being called out for...
When You Hit Puberty Mid-Song
- You can actually spot the exact moment he hits puberty.
Grave Robber Caught Red-Handed
- Woman confronted when caught stealing flowers from a...
Army Private Can't Figure Out Why His Gun Won't Fire
- Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem, is the...
Afroman Bodyslames Fan! One Day After Punching Girl
- Next up: Afroman executes a fan in front of the...
"She's Not My Nurse, She's My Girlfriend"
- Meet Shane Burcaw a 22 year old with Spinal Muscular...
Diaherea + taser + dickhead =
- Diaherea + taser + dickhead =
Drill Sergeant scares the shit out of soldiers
- Drill Sergeant scares the shit out of soldiers
Edgiest Kid on the Internet Hopes for Zombie Apocalypse
- This kid has it all planned out...
Guy Gets Caught Trying To Sneak 24 Beers Into A Game
- Security ruins his day and doesn't let him bring his...
Baking Soda & Vinegar Volcano Fail!
- Her science experiment ends with "OW MY EYES... IT...
Thug Life: Fiesty White Bitch Edition
- Thug Life: Fiesty White Bitch Edition
30 Epic Fails
- These fails are of epic proportions in their own...
50 Shades of Grey Movie Review While Being Whipped
- She Reviews 50 Shades of Grey While Being Whipped with...
Crazy Black Woman Speaks At Dayton City Council Meeting
- The most scary thing about this bitch is she gets to...
Badass Fence Gate In GTA V
- Its seems this piece of fence has something to prove...
How Russian teacher checks student's work
- I have so many questions that need answering with...
Celebrity Jeopardy - SNL Anniversary Special
- Celebrity guests include Sean Connery, Justin Bieber,...
Shrek's Dank Kush
- Possibly the most random thing you'll see today.
Eric Andre Dresses Up Like a Slave and Crashes a Civil...
- Eric Andre gives Colonial Williamsburg a dose of...
Review Destroys "50 Shades Of Grey"
- Lisa Wilkinson was less than impressed with the...
Angry Mom Takes Down Suspect In Dallas Police Chase
- The suspect crashes into her van with her child inside...
Cooking in Disguise - Gordon Ramsay
- Gordon Ramsay goes undercover at a celebrity chef's...
Beck Vs Kanye "Loser" Mashup
- A mashup of awkward Grammy moments set to Beck's...
White guys in all black bar destroy R.Kelly Karaoke
- Best Bump and Grind Karaoke EVER... Bump N' Grind R....
The One Ring: Explained.
- If the history seemed vague to you, you're not alone.
Russian Badass Sets Himself On Fire And Jumps Off...
- A man sets himself on fire, jumps off a building, then...
What Makeup Can Do Is Amazing
- The power of makeup!
Adorable And Unusual Animal Friendships
- An Android commercial titled "Friends Furever" is...
Unfortunate names in sports
- 24 photos
13 People Who Regret Leaving Their Facebook Logged In
- These people had to deal with hilarious posts from...
- 56 Uploads
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- Last Login: 468 weeks ago
- User Since: Jan 1, 2015
About Me
Carolina was named to honor Charles IX of France and then Charles I and Charles II of England.
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