Beating a Dead Horse
- I've been here a while and seen many a feud in my day,...
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Winnie the Pooh Mental Disorders
- The mental disorders viewed from this schizophrenic...
Penn and Teller War on Drugs
- What if drugs were legal? Penn and Teller explain...
Bobbing for Shades
- We don't need no stinkin apples!
Ducks Playing Duck Hunt
- I see nothing wrong with ths
Douchebag PSA
- Douchebags unite!
Greatest Horror Movie
- Young girl all alone....creepy stalker out to get...
Mortal Kombat Rejected Fatalities
- Who wouldn't love to do a lolcatality?
Littlest Hobo
- This and Trailer Park Boys. That's ALL Canadian TV...
They Took His Job!
- A heart breaking story by a wrestling coach. They...
Dystonia Remix
- Why must we mock unfortunate victims?
The First Halloween
- Seems pretty accurate to me
Why Don't Bees go to Heaven
- A catchy tune
Squeeze Bacon
- For when you just don't give a fuck about your health!
Prayermax 5000
- Are your prayers not being heard by the almighty? Get...
Sixth Sense Technology
- I know what I want for Christmas!
Real Life Twitter
- If Speech was limited to 140 characters, it could lead...
Ball Boy
- The man born with no body!
Bad Idea for Tattoos
- This guy would get lynched if he ever showed those off...
My Liscence to Kill
- Working in the kitchen of a restaurant can really suck...
Kanye West Rushes the Stage
- When Taylor Swift was giving her acceptance speech,...
How TV Works
- Television melts your brain and hypnotizes you. How...
True Blood OPening Credits
- One of the best damn shows on tv!
Featured...or is it?
- I posted a gallery about funny subtitles a few days...
Twisted Princess
- The ugly side of Disney!
Funny Subtitles
- Leaving the hearing impaired thinking wtf???
Having kids PSA
- Have too much free time and money on your hands? Why...
Truth About Amsterdam
- Once again O'Reilly gets it wrong in the No Fact Zone
Soulja Boy Cries on Twitter
- When Soulja Boy tweets and nobodys around to hear it,...
Horse Sneeze
- Not as cute as a sneezing panda, but funny as hell!
15 year old scotch
- A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a...
Breaking Up
- A relationship can be hard. Especially when you're...
Our Art Art Hour Fail
- Poor guy just can't seem to spit it out
Comics and Movies
- Foamy rants about how movies bastardize good comics...
House Tunnel
- I don't know how that happened, but I'm sure Stamos is...
Pedobear The Movie
- Based on a true story
Married with Children Fight Scene
- Al takes on some loud mouth jack ass
Too Much GTA
- You know you have to lay off the video games when....
Fair Use Tale
- Ever wonder how fair use works? Find out here!
MacGyver's Dirty Little Secret
- He's worse than Pedo Bear!
- 282 Uploads
- Profile Views: 41,347
- Media Views: 1,583,261
- Media Watched: 16,892
- Media Featured: 7
- Media Favorited: 22
- Last Login: 648 weeks ago
- User Since: Apr 19, 2007
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I like turtles
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