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- Q: What did the cannibal do after he dumped his...
Tenth Dimension
- After this clip, you will either be a lot smarter, or...
- back then we didnt need no stinkin PS3s or X box 360's!
Cigarette Ad
- Vintage smoke ad.
People who Piss Me Off!
Are you Canadian and addicted to Tim Hortons?
- then ul love this...
Computers are Evil!
- so by watching this clip, you're sinning right now!
Religious fanatics vs Athiests
- Bible thumpers really piss me off! I'm sick and...
Cat Wheel
- Why should hamsters get all the fun?
Bible Story
- Who doesn't love a good ol' bible story?
Infant and AK47
- Some people just shouldn't be parents
Starkweather's rant
- Have you ever noticed a common reoccourence in the...
Gym Teachers
- Foamy tells like it is
Mac vs PC
- How those commercials should be
Duckman on Society
- Duckman explains why he seems so deranged. I loved...
Curious Robot
- Jules asks one of his programmers about the birds and...
Robot convention
- I Wish I was there to see this in person
O'Reily vs Colbert
- O'Reily is being serious with a guy you can't take...
Fear the Robots!
- They're taking over!
Cyborg Insects
- insects being controlled by computers and a moth that...
counterstrike noob owned!
- Pretty much every noob's reaction when they get their...
- Q: what do elephants use as maxi pads? A:...
Thrill Kill
- a PS1 game that was banned from North America for...
The Internet is for Porn
- This song makes me laugh every time
Banned Cartoon
- a banned Disney cartoon about nazi education
Reporters Owned!
- A compilation of reporters gettin owned!
Facts of Quantum Physics
- this blew my mind
Simptons Intro
- Star Wars style
Beer Song
- One of the funniest clips Ive seen
Fox Edits Colbert interview
- Fox edits a Stephan Colbert interview with a democrat...
- A fish see a fly on the surface of the water and...
Cool Advertisments
- Puts regular advertising to shame!
Once You go Black...
- I can see a lot of people screaming racism at this clip
- If you ever wondered what the religion of Scientology...
Spider-Man 3
- How it should have ended from start to finish
Loudest Burp Ever!
- I wish I could burp like this
- Q: What do you call a Bear with no ear? A: a B
- Q: What do you call two lesbians in a closet? A: A...
Kid's Language
- A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her...
- 282 Uploads
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- Media Favorited: 22
- Last Login: 648 weeks ago
- User Since: Apr 19, 2007
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I like turtles
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