Corporate Sell-Out Test 001 UGVC.63
- Carney sells out to Corporate America. Or does...
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Hulu Still Sucks UGVC.60
- I told you so I told you so I told you so I told you...
PrankVsPrank UGVC.59
- Prank Vs. Prank, Loving couple from New Jersey that...
Haloaholes UGVC.57
- Who are the haloaholes? Carney gives an honest...
Maizenakazen UGVC.56
- Who the heck is Maizenakazen and how does he have so...
DeStorm UGVC.55
- DeStorm is crazy talented, but did you know he's...
The Skyy John Show UGVC.54
- He's one of the top 50 Youtuber's of all time, and now...
charliejames1975 UGVC 53
- Carney is after rock solid abs! And he's depending on...
Pyrobooby UGVC.52
- Pyrobooby. Is he obnoxious? Is he loud? Is he the...
- SHAYTARDS, how is your wife so beautiful? The newest...
MysteryGuitarMan UGVC Review 48
- Remember those stop motion guitar videos? They're...
ForFun808 UGVC 47
- Check out Carney's review, For Fun! http://ugvc.tv
Onision UGVC 46
- Carney takes a shot on the jaw for...
lacigreen UGVC 45
- Will lacigreen's honesty and wits charm...
iJustine UGVC 44
- Carney satiates his need to review YouTube veteran...
iJustine UGVC 44
- Carney satiates his need to review YouTube veteran...
iJustine UGVC 44
- Carney satiates his need to review YouTube veteran...
Digits UGVC 43
- Having trouble getting your dental hygienist's phone...
VLogBrothers U.G.V.C 41
- Carney strains his brain while reviewing the...
VLogBrothers U.G.V.C 41
- Carney strains his brain while reviewing the...
Lisa Nova U.G.V.C. 40
- Carney takes on the mistress of YouTube!
CharlieIsSoCoolLike U.G.V.C 38
- Carney goes across the pond to review...
Angry Video Game Nerd. UGVC 37
- Remember the Power Pad for Nintendo?? Always upset...
Fail Blog Review UGVC 35
- FAIL, FAIL, FAIL! Carney dives head first into the...
2 Hot Girls UGVC.34
- Carney dives into the shower...and there are two...
Fred Review. UGVC 32
- Carney takes on a YouTube powerhouse!
Hulu. UGVC 31
- Carney goes out of the YouTube snow globe to examine...
Barak Obama Nobel Peace Prize. UGVC Quickie
- Carney examines Barak Obama receiving the Nobel Peace...
- Carney takes on IshatOnU, the skyrocketing YouTube...
The Legend of Neil.29
- Carney escapes the confines YouTube, to explore the...
Timothy DelaGhetto UGVC.28
- Carney dives into the world of Timothy Delaghetto....
Kanye West and His MTV Rampage. UGVC
- Carney exposes Kanye West and a trend of curious...
SXE Phil UGVC.27
- Carney reviews YouTube icon Philip DeFranco. Carney...
UGVC Response to Do You Want to Date My Avatar?
- Carney unleashes his fury at "Do You Want to Date My...
Don't Call Me Fat UGVC.26
- Carney reviews RWJ over at 3, Don't Call Me Fat, a...
UGVC 911 Tribute 9.11.09
- Carney remembers Sept. 11th, 2001 and asks you to...
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar UGVC.25
- The UGVC Carney enjoys World of Warcraft, but cannot...
The Station UGVC.24
- The Station is one of the most popular YouTube...
What the Buck Show UGVC.23
- The What the Buck show, the hilarious Youtube channel...
Wedding Entrance Dance UGVC.22
- The most insane wedding entrance and wedding dance one...
- 56 Uploads
- Profile Views: 10,253
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- Last Login: 748 weeks ago
- User Since: Apr 29, 2009
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