21 People That Turned Laziness Into An Art Form
- One of the most honorable forms of creativity is the...
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Trashy Mom Selfies And Photos That Prove They Suck At...
- Here are a bunch of moms who clearly should have never...
TV Interview Interrupted By Explosion and Flying...
- That thing got some serious air.
Pictures You Have To Really Look At To Understand
- 24 photos that will make you do a double take.
Women Share Their Secret Innermost Feelings About...
- 10 women tell their insecurities about their "V".
Friend Vs. Best Friend
- 25 examples only best friends will understand
Redneck Engineering At Its Finest
- 27 clever people fixing things with around the house...
People Who Made Bad Decisions
- 31 People Who Are Full Of Regret
Things We Loved As Kids But Now Hate As Adults
- 17 things that excited us as kids but now can do...
These Extremely Lazy People Share The Laziest Things...
- 16 Whisper users who confess the laziest things they...
Cringe Worthy Spelling Errors
- These 20 people need to be introduced to spell check
22 Vintage Photos That Are A Little Creepy
- Here are 21 photos from the past that don’t make...
Undercover Stories That Are Pretty Amazing
- 10 stories of men and women who adopted double...
This Is What Syria Looked Like Before The War
- 29 photos of what used to be a beautiful country...
Well That Escalated Quickly
- The Sh!t Got Real Awfully Fast
When Rich Kids Spend Carelessly Money Of Their Parents...
- 35 rich kids showing off their expensive goodies
The Best Of Starter Packs
- 17 of the top starter packs on the internet
Girl Conquers Anorexia by Becoming A Bodybuilder
- Amazing transformation from anorexic to buff
Realistic Cartoon Character Versions You Wouldn’t...
- This is what these 25 cartoon characters would look...
Young Female Taekwondo World Champion Rescues Woman...
- Watch as a young girl named Olga Ivanov, armed with a...
Funny Parent Texts
- Parents who haven’t quite mastered the art of texting
Interesting Facts About Guns N’ Roses
- 25 awesome facts about Guns N Roses that you didn't...
Cringe Worthy Jokes
- 15 Jokes So Bad They’re Funny
Amazing Talents From Around The World
- Not just anyone can do these 27 things
The Best Technology Fails Of All Time
- 29 funny technology fails
13 Annoying As Hell Customers Who Got What They...
- Some of these complaints left on different companies...
Reasons Why Girls On Instagram Are The Worst
- Basic bitch Instagram habits
Gifs To Take You Into The Weekend
- 33 awesome gifs to help close out your work week
Hilarious Notes Left From Angry Neighbors
- Sh*t got real with these 18 angry neighbors
'FML' Is one Way To Feel Better About Your Terrible Day
- And you thought you were having a bad day.
Billionaires First Jobs
- The surprising first jobs these 25 billionaires had
People Share Their Embarrassing Moments When They Got...
- 18 embarrassing stories of people who got caught...
Perfectly timed funny sporting moments
- 32 sports photos that were taken at the right moment
Amazing Photos That Have Really Not Been Photoshopped
- You won't believe these 37 photos have not been...
Vehicle Funnies In All Their Glory
- It's the way of the road
15 Times The Customer Was Almost Right
- Customers vs. customer service, via Twitter accounts.
Creative and Cringe Worthy Photoshop Fails
- Time to brush up on your Photoshop skills
Boston George Tells The True Story of The Movie "Blow"...
- George Jung, famously known as “Boston George,”...
Fed Up Grandma Pulls A Knife On Her Grandson Because...
- I mean, she wouldn't actually stab him would she?
Cat Logic
- 25 Photos only a cat owner would understand
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- User Since: Nov 24, 2011
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