BMX rider in trouble
- He gets caught in a hurtful way
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Why cats are stupid
- Dumb cats
Granny gets pulled by big dog
- Thats a strong dog
Stupid Paintballer
- What an idiot
Why sumo is better than Karate
- I still like Sumo
Sports clip
- Increadible shot
Cow slips
- Thats call cow tipping
Idiot tries to jump across ppl
- He busts his nuts doing this
Stupid cat runs off bed to wall
- Dumb cat runs off bed and into the wall
Dave Chappelle Stand up
- Man i love dave chappelle
Anything i want?
- One summer day a man came home early from work and was...
Dirty dentist
- A woman goes into a dentist’s office, and after her...
Forgive Father
- A man walks into a church confessional and says to the...
Loose ladies
- Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have not been to...
Walmart refund
- A woman goes into Wal-Mart and tells the clerk she...
Lawyer honeymoon
- A couple is on their honeymoon and the new bride tells...
Good job
- A man and his wife go to the site of their honeymoon...
Horniest Rooster
- A farmer wanted to have his hens serviced, so he went...
New slang
- A boy is at school and he hears the older kids talking...
The rodeo Position
- Two cowboys are out on the range one starry night...
3 Lesbians
- A young guy at a bar notices two girls deep in...
A cow from Illinois
- A little girl came running into the house crying her...
Cider cure
- A little girl came running into the house crying her...
No viagra needed
- An embarrassed man goes to see his doctor after...
Green Pink Yellow
- An American man, a Chinese man, and a Mexican man all...
The tea party
- When I was a toddler, someone gave me a little Tea Set...
Curtain rod revenge
- She spent the first day packing her belongings into...
Valentine's day gifts
- There were three men drinking in a bar: a doctor, an...
Men dont write advice columns
- Here's an example of why men do not write advice...
Men dont write advice columns
- Here's an example of why men do not write advice...
Wrong E-mail Address
- A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw...
The telepathic watch
- A very handsome and even more confident man walks into...
The professional gambler
- During the Great Depression, there was a man who...
Computer diagnosis
- One day Bill complained to his friend, "My elbow...
Grandma knows best
- A young teenaged girl was a prostitute and, for...
Johnny learns about Politics
- Little Johnny goes to his dad and asks, "What is...
a rude customer
- An award should go to the Virgin Airlines gate...
Ancient chinese torture
- A young man was lost wandering in a forest, when he...
Ancient chinese torture
- A young man was lost wandering in a forest, when he...
I love my friends
- Punked
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- Last Login: 817 weeks ago
- User Since: Jun 16, 2008
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Hey please if you can comment and rate my stuff i upload. I will also comment yours too of coarse
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