gay joke
- how do you get 4 gay guys to fit on one bar...
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Dead baby
- Whats funnier than a dead baby? - a dead baby in a...
pee stop
- guy stops to pee
eye squirting contest
- eye squirting contest
men never change
- men never change
pool toy
- fat man jumps in pool toy
three armed chinese baby
- .imagine if you were the parents...
dont press the button
- press the button and your in for it...
Cone Crazy
- Run over as many cones as possible in 30 seconds.
funny ad for car
- one way to get rid of you cat that keeps on destroying...
snake heads
- watch this if you like things with multiple heads...
yellow pages ad
- yellow pages ad
scuba diving cat
- bet youve never seen this before!!!
sneaky animals!!!
- made me laugh i dont know about you,....
mentos and coke
- lol this is FUNNY.. it scared me at first though... xD
news slip
- this is funny... not if your the news person though
guy kissing snake!!
eye squirting contest!
- really gross not for people with weak stomaches!!!
painfull jump
- OUCH!!!!
funny signs
- funny signs... but some are stupid...
- haha
funny places
- its funny
funny names of bussiesses and streets
- its funny
- 23 Uploads
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- Last Login: 602 weeks ago
- User Since: Apr 16, 2008
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i like pie
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