Barbershop.. Masturbation?
- When not to clean your glasses
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The Shiny-Walled Box Thingie
- An Amish boy and his father were visiting a nearby...
Dave Chappelle's Show- Apple Switch
- Dave Chappelle's Show Apple Switch spoof
Real Street Fights
- Clips of people beating the living s out of each other
Dave Chappelle's Show - Worlds Greatest War.. The Gang...
- skit from Dave Chappelle's show on The Gang War
Great knockouts
- Clips of great fights
Dave Chappelle's Show-Piss On you
- Skit on Dave Chappelle's Show - Piss On You R.Kelly ...
Dave Chapelle's show-Samuel Jackson Beer
- funny skit on Dave Chappelle's show
ghost crosses street
- video of a real/fake ghost crossing the street.. if...
bike stunt gone wrong
- biker tries to jump a house but fails and hits the roof
snowboard jump
- snowboarder jumps a care
motorcross wheelie crash
- guy tries to do wheelie.. lets see if he can make it...
bomb dropped in Iraq
- damn!!
bud light commercial
- bud light robbery
snowboarding crash
- guy on snowboard crashes and falls down mountain
girl jumps off a bridge
- crazy girl jumps off a bridge and into a river
4 iraq terrorists
- video of 4 terrorists
car crashes into cop car
- car crashes almost kills a cop
Atomic explosion
- video of an atomic bomb exploding
retarded prank call
- a bunch of retards make a prank call to Walmart
NHL fight!!
- NHL fight!!
Two drunk chicks fight
- Two drunk college chicks fight
corvette crashes into back of truck
- corvette on the run crashes into back of a truck
NFL's hardest hits
- a group of clips of NFL's hardest hits
corvette on theof a truck run crashes into the back
- police cars chase a corvette going at 165mph be sure...
jump face plant
- this dude jumps off a cliff and lands on his head
make someone happy
- Bill looks at Al, chuckles and says, "You know, I...
Hillary in heavan
- Hillary Clinton died and went to heaven. As she stood...
No great loss
- Bill Clinton is visiting a school. In one class, he...
Hillary and Bill on a boat
- Q. Bill and Hillary are on a sinking boat. Who gets...
Evolution of cars
- The evolution of cars from 1940-2008
Funny Signs
- Funny signs
funny signs
- Funny signs
Myspace Losers
- Myspace losers
Empire state building
- There are four people from different counties on the...
The Ventriloquist
- A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one...
blood test
- Two children were sitting outside a clinic. One of...
kindergarden teacher
- Did you hear about the teacher who was helping one of...
mexican and black guy
- Q: there's a black guy and a mexican in a car. Who is...
- 199 Uploads
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- User Since: Jun 5, 2007
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