American Soldiers Would Sometimes Risk Their Lives For...
- Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact...
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4 Bonkers Loki Plots Marvel Would Never Adapt For...
- Out of all the characters in the Marvel Cinematic...
WhiteHouse.com: The Naughty, Non-Government Website of...
- During the Clinton years, WhiteHouse.com -- not to be...
4 Fun Movie Easter Eggs That Imply Death And Chaos...
- Easter eggs, by definition, are fun little extras....
Re-Making Mission Impossible, But For Only $20
- Mission Impossible 7 and 8 keep getting delayed, so we...
That Time Iran Tried To Hide Will Ferrell's Crotch...
- Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact...
4 Movies That Are Actually Propaganda (Star Wars, Top...
- For as long as there has been a film industry,...
The Entire Saw Timeline Explained for the Viewers
- The entire Saw movie timeline explained in one...
Wizard Of Oz Was Fueled By Meth And Everybody Hating...
- Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact...
40-Year-Old Virgin Got Shut Down Because Steve Carell...
- Did you know, the 40-Year-Old Virgin was shut down...
We Fixed Everything Wrong with the New Mortal Kombat...
- The 2021 Mortal Kombat was pretty cool (like Sub-Zero...
90s Femme Fatales Killed Everybody With Their Legs - ...
- In the 1990s, there was the Femme Fatale who always...
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