Oprah vs. 9,000 Penises
- a video featuring 9,001 penises...
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Fox Attacks Obama Like Kerry
- Somethings strangely familiar here!
How to Make Grilled Pizza
- I hope you're sitting down...
Hot Chick Face Tricks
- Need I say more?
Monkey Racing
- My bets on the ape!
Lion v.s. Pig
- 2-1 on the Lion, 16-1 on the Pig, I'm going to be a...
- Happy Caturday
Giant Condom
- Still don't think it's big enough
I was Just Waitng for the Bus!
- Funny footage of a guy being attacked by a hooker...
Ebaums Groups
- Alright a question just came across my mind, if you...
Why is Bush so sure that Iraq has weapons of my...
- Q: Why is George Bush so sure that Iraq has weapons of...
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- User Since: Oct 4, 2007
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