31 Philosophical Quandaries to Mull Over Instead of...
- Shower thoughts that are a total mindjob.
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29 Thoughts That Had to Come From a Shower
- Thoughts, musings, and ideas you may have never had...
28 Florida Men who Met Their Destiny in the Headlines
- It seems that every time something ridiculous happens...
28 Quirky Thoughts That Will Get Your Brain Turning
- From the shower to you brain hole, here's some ideas...
10 Deep Thoughts to Contemplate in the Shower
- Ponder these philosophical mysteries as the hot water...
The Official Facepalm Gif Gallery
- Hold my beer and watch this...
19 Times Shit Happened
- So you had a bad day...
41 Shower Thoughts For Your Wandering Mind
- For the "out there" things that pop into your head "in...
29 Times Things Went To Sh*t Quick
- Mission NOT accomplished.
21 Simple But Infuriating Things About Computers & The...
- You know what really grinds my gears?
36 Fails Gifs That Will Bust Your Gut
- Shining examples of what not to do.
19 Tricks and Scams Companies Pull To Screw You Over
- Slick tricks to watch out for.
35 Weird, WTF and Funny GIFs For Your Enjoyment
- Moving image mayhem sure to please!
Little Kitten Needs Petting, And Will Climb Human...
- Rising to the challenge for the love of her owner.
Little Bit Of The Miscellaneous
- Coo art and stunning images to boost your weekend.
Coolest Horse Ever Headbangs To Metal Music
- Vulgar Display of Horse Power.
Rolling In D'oh!
- Unfortunate or stupid, you decide.
Man Builds A Scarlett Johansson Robot
- I wonder what he's going to do with it...
45 Pictures To Fuel Your Fire
- "I had resolved to be less offended by human nature,...
24 People Who Need To Just Quit
- Sometimes you wonder "what were they thinking" until...
29 Great Pics of The Games We Play
- The best times from childhood and today.
27 Pics To Make You Feel Smarter
- At least you're smarter than all these people, right?
25 Spectacular Fails
- We accept no responsibility for facepalm-related...
Do-It-Yourself Balloon Cell Phone Case
- The "case" is adjustable and it fits all cell phone...
11 Awesome 3D Sketches
- It's like your notebook paper just came alive.
How To Insult Like A Brit
- A few insults from across the pond.
99 Packs Of Beer Are Now A Thing
- 99 beers for 99 bucks. Good luck getting them home.
Neil deGrasse Tyson On GMO Food!
- Do the research for yourself.
12 Funny Messages From Management To Shane
- Apparently a Walmart employee named Shane gives the...
There Will Be No Yoga Here
- A big wave catches woman doing her yoga by surprise.
Fire Truck News Blooper
- News Anchor's live on-air slip up.
David Letterman Explains Fracking
- Government is letting big oil do whatever they want. ...
33 Gifs You've Never Seen
- To watch while you're drinking your scotch scotchy...
Worm Found Inside Codfish Package
- Don't point it out to the cashier, they'll just charge...
The Most Corrupt Town In America
- "They make Boss Hogg look like a Sunday school...
Cruise Ship Cut In Half And Stretched 99 Feet
- A time-lapse of a ship being cut-and-shut.
Bill Nye On Poverty Myths
- Bill Nye drops some knowledge about poverty myths and...
Dogs Vs. Cats Teaching Styles
- See how dogs teach their pups, vs how cats teach their...
Dog Receives Some Bad News
- Didn't wanna be the one to tell you this, but...
Eye Of The Climber
- A rock climber at the gym decides to go for it all...
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