Balloon Launch Fail
- didn't plan this out
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Grand Entrance Fail
- Me Tarzan, you dumbass.
Parking Garage Scare
- Nobody has been more terrified EVER!
Hands Free
- In California, there is a law that anyone on a...
The Happening Leaked deleted scene!
- This scene was too crazy for audiences!
Worst Nut Shot
- This is the worst skateboard nut shot I've ever seen!
Polite racecar crash
- H crashes but is really nice about it.
segway wipeout
- Chick should drive these either.
Leg broken on trampoline
- It's not the first guy.
Picture of Paradise
- Fun ad.
Cop vs. Cameraman
- I have no idea what lead to this.
Amazing Homeless Drummer
Cellphone in Microwave
- You wont believe what happens!
Subway A Capella
- A music group busts out an impromptu song on the...
Verbal Judgement
- Judge gives a verbal beat down to mother of sexually...
Amazing Fiddle Player
- This guy plays his version of "Owner of a Lonely...
My Rambo Reveiw
- A Sexman Film!
SEXMAN! music video
- Music video for pruane2 aka The Sexman
Hillary Clinto Products
- Available NOW!
Car made into truck
- Someone in Iowa thought cutting their car in half was...
Invetigative report- Oshkosh Water
- a hard hitting study of Oshkosh tap water.
To catch a Predator The Game!
- A great new board game for kids of all ages!
- some people are too badass for words
Sudden Combat
- Get ready for smash and thunder!... a bad commercial.
- 24 Uploads
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- Last Login: 651 weeks ago
- User Since: Apr 29, 2008
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The only ginger in East LA.
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