Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout
- This Weeks F.U.C.K Was Brought To You By Dubie78
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Shadow Art
- Very Cool
I done fix er
- genius....
Bruce Lee
- Rare Photos of the Legend.
- Git some! Git some! Git some, yeah, yeah, yeah! Anyone...
Triple D Pt. 8
- Dubie's Daily Dumps
Mosquito Bite
- watch its body
Triple D Pt. 7
- Dubie's Daily Dump
Triple D Pt. 6
- Dubie's Daily Dump
Car vs Motorcycle
- Drifting - WTF?
Gangster Wars
- yet another twist on star wars
First a Teen
- Now a Mailman
People of Walmart Song
- People of Walmart now in a song form.
There is Life
- and then there is REAL life
Nature Photos
- we are not the top of the food chain....
Volcano Shockwave
- Mount Bromo erupts
Triple D Pt. 5
- Dubie's Daily Dumps
The World Will End Tonight
- 6pm EST - And these pictures prove it!
What Would You Take
- if your house was burning down
Way Back Wednesday
- Bee and BBQ
Triple D Pt. 4
- Dubie's Daily Dumps
Head Rush
- kaboom
- confucius says
Triple D Pt. 3
- Dubie's Daily Dump
Shorty has pull
- Gangster Shorty
I will Screw you?
- Portraits made with Screws
Food Fails
- Food Fails
Triple D Pt. 2
- Dubie's Daily Dump
Triple D
- Dubie's Daily Dump
Nerdy, Sexy, Funny Weird
- RANDOMS - For all us DD Video game, star wars,...
Dubies Randoms
- Randoms
Street Fighter Graffiti
- Graffiti at it finest
Coin Art
- can you build it?
All Things Mario
- As recognizable as Mickey Mouse!
2011 Mustache and Beard Championship
- do they give out free rides?
Fallout: Vegas
- WOW they spent a lot of time photographing vegas
Master Chief
- in Lego
- now thats a hog
Dubie's Randoms
- Randoms
Office Chair Racing
- so thats what my employees are practicing for....
- 572 Uploads
- Profile Views: 120,584
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- Media Watched: 14,674
- Media Featured: 19
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- Last Login: 483 weeks ago
- User Since: Sep 18, 2008
About Me
Just have Fun!
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