Electing a US president
- How "Electing a US president" works! the simple, in...
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Chinese Acrobatic Show
- Chinese acrobatic show. REALLY COOL !! don't have a...
Card warp magic
- this-n-that follow up
Funny Prank 1
- either this should be on canded camera or it...
Dead talking deer
- lol, some people thought it would be funny to strap a...
holding on simple plan
- holding on by simple plan
Hey there delilah remix
- Hey there delilah remix robert lund
- footloose by goodcharlotte
Festival song
- Festival song by good charlotte
fall for you second hand serenade
- fall for you by second hand serenade
Everywhere yellowcard
- everywhere by yellow card
everything you want
- everything you want by verticle horizon
- Espionage by greenday
Duality Bayside
- Duality by bayside
Don't wait dashboardconfessional
- don't wait by dashboardconfessional
Dance floor anthem
- dance floor anthem by blink182 ?
Crazy simple plan
- Crazy by simple plan
Complicated Goodcharlotte
- Complicated by goodcharlotte
Comming Home Newfoundglory
- Comming home by newfoundglory
Change Goodcharlotte
- Change goodcharlotte pretty good song
Breakfast at tiffany's
- Breakfast at tiffany'sdeep blue something
Beautiful Soul jessemcartny
- beautiful soul
AWAKINING switchfoot
- AWAKINING switchfoot good song
Always blink182
- always blink 182
All black good charlotte
- all black goodcharlotte goodmorning revival
addicted simple plan
- Addicted, simple plan no pads no helmets...
24 Switchfoot
- 24, switchfoot
Sports injuries
- funny sports injuries!!! I think I might have...
VERY funny Soccer
- Hilarious soccer bloopers !!!
Top 10 Soccer goal misses
- check out these 10 soccer goal misses ! so ridiculace...
Weird soccer goals
- top 5 weird soccer goals of all time!!!!
Best 10 Soccer Goals
- Top 10 soccer goals !!! GOOOOAAAAALLLLL !!!!!
Sports Injuries
- Some of the best injuries in the history of sports!...
Fair Rides Recalled After Injuries
- News story on the fair rides yo-yo that had to be...
Police Tactics For Drunks Takedowns
- Police defence and attack manuvers. try these
Police Tactics Fast Punching Technique
- Good self defence manuvers. use this only when...
Police Tactics against Kickers
- Good police tactics against for when fighting kickers
Police Tactics against Gunpoint
- REALLY good defence manuvers if you ever happen to be...
Gun Defence
- good tips for gun defence!!! not in english so don't...
Funny Soccer
- Hilarious soccer clips and pictures lol
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- User Since: Oct 18, 2008
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