Best In-game trick baseball pitch ever!
- It was in the zone for a strike too!
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Why?!... Good question..
- Why .....does Walgreens make the sick walk all the way...
Funny Russian Shower Prank Candid Camera
- Warning: Slight boobies
Mexico Does the Weather Right
- and now Super hot babe with the weather
New Japanese Police Bikes
- No recession there apparently..
The Circle of Life
- Boss said to secretary: For a week we will go abroad...
MotherDaughter threesome
- I ended up with an older woman last night. She...
How Marriage Works..
- A newlywed couple had only been married for two weeks....
Men Are Just Happier People
Brother's Reunite with Pet Lion
- Two German brothers raise lion and release him into...
Beach Dressing Booth Prank
- Guy pranks girls in dressing booth at the beach with a...
Why Men Shave
- Funny Bic Commercial
Now THAT'S Teamwork!
- Who woulda thought getting a boner at work would help...
What Would You Do?!
- Reunited and it feels so EWWWW!
Dumb Dad
- Funny Commercial
Mad Soccer Skills
- What a sick goal...
Crazy Jumper..
- This kid's insane..
2009's Job Market. CEOs are the new Mexicans
- Ahhhh, so the tables have turned..
Poor Guys Get Set-Up By Hot Girl
- Hot woman sets these guys up. Harsh..
Funny Camera Commercial
- Zoom Fail!
Female Driver Montage
- Some old ones, but some I had never seen before
Four Epic Fails!
- Four different FAILS
Canadian Police Chase
- They almost got'em!
Fuzzy Math!
- Classic clip from old movie!
Farmer Fail!
- Farmer caught in awkward position..
Funny Baby Genius Win!
- Smarter than most High Schoolers!
Amazing Body Art- The Invisible Man
- Not only use of body but amazing blending of clothes!
The Gambler
- At a bank in Florida, the manager noticed that a very...
Creative Miniature Paper Toon Art Gallery
- Don't know what to call these but they're pretty cool.
Virtual Barbershop MUST HEAR!!!
- Put On Your Headphones. Turn Up the Volume, Close Your...
Starting your vacation off in Style.
- This guy knows how to make an entrance.
Funny Yellow Pages Commercial
- Never seen it before, pretty funny though.
- 33 Uploads
- Profile Views: 10,686
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- Last Login: 535 weeks ago
- User Since: Feb 28, 2008
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