Trevor Moore Tells Wild Story About Having to...
- Another underappreciated gem from the late Trevor...
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30 Classic Jackass Gifs to Make You Sore
- Jackass was the best show on TV hands down. It was the...
Adorable Seal Makes Trippy Sounds While It Sleeps
- The magical sounding snore of the Weddell Seal.
25 Odd and Interesting Historical Facts That Will...
- Bits and pieces of history you may never have known.
Some of The Hardest Football Hits Ever
- This might sting a bit.
20 GIFs Of The Craziest Sports On The Planet
- These are some sports that have a small, but CRAZY...
27 Jerks Who Got Served Instant Karma
- These jerks got what they had coming to them.
20 Cool Things You Can Buy Online For Under $20
- You don't need it but now you can't live without it.
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- Last Login: 58 weeks ago
- User Since: Apr 26, 2011
About Me
Im from California where I battle vegans, traffic, and immigration with my bare fists on a bi-annual basis. If you wanna roll, I will take you out with a flying knee kick to the groin. Fear factor was too afraid to have me on. I fight little people and the disabled and or elderly with alzheimers. If you wanna try me take a number. I'm also into knitting and interior decorating. I'll know if your carpet matches the drapes. Im not just obese. I am the 'OH BEAST!'
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