Opening beer with chainsaw
- rednecks.......
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Beach exercise ball ownage
- what a fatass
Painting of Jack Sparrow
- amazing artist
Knight rider building
- simply amazing
How to beat the claw game
- she loves it in there
Freestyle Soccer
- sweet soccer moves
Amazing motorcycle recovery
- he got very lucky
Wedding exchange gone wrong
- this would suck
Got a Backup Plan?
- he tried to help......
Google Maps
- this is hilarious
Extreme Wheelchairing
- this kid has alot of talent
Cups and Balls
- just another magic trick
What song is this?
- this takes alot of talent
Wingsuit Base Jumping
- this would be awesome
Music Created with computer sounds
- somone had to much time on their hands
Bad Parents
- This is horrible.
What is your favorite beer?
- this makes the debate over whats the best beer easy
Funny drunk guy
- this is how to fail the test
Mountain Dew
- Here are alot of different kinds of mountain dew they...
- 259 Uploads
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