Godlovesdemeter does his best sloth from the goonies...
- was someone feeding you lines via the bluetooth
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Volleyball to the face
- "you don't see that often", thats because the other...
Balloon release fail
- these college kids set out to release a big bunch of...
Cop For A Day
- not everyone can be a cop
How Not To Ride The Rail
- this is a perfect example on how not to grind a rail...
Little Girl gets slammed
- she walks in the way and gets blindsided and almost...
Girl Faceplants on 4 Wheeler
- she tried to go off a jump, but ended up smashing her...
Full Throttle Douche Bottle
- don't just stand there "douche" something
Cheerleader Tackled In Mid-Air
- bet she wasn't expecting this
Elderly Wife's Confession
- An elderly man turns to his wife and asks if she’s...
Sports Games that Never Caught On
- sports games so ridiculous its no wonder they aren't...
Montauk Monster Mystery
- people are going crazy over this thing, whatever it is
I.F.H Mondays
- a commercial for the newest chain restaurant in town
Ozzy Impersonator On America's Got Talent
- Sharon Osbourne's face is priceless
Perv Police Caught on Tape
- hot chick in a skirt makes these cops act very...
Lake Prank a Total Success
- thankfully he woke up just in time to start swimming
Real Life Matrix Man
- this asian dude amazes these people with matrix-like...
Reporter Blown Away by Hurricane Dolly
- this female reporter gets blown away by Hurricane...
Flying Ants
- launching yourself through the air by snapping your...
Fat Girls Gone Wild
- what would these women do for a klondike bar
Biker Falls Hard
- biker face plants into the ground and then slams hard...
News Slip Ups
- a compilation of some recent and classic reporter slip...
Aggressive Car Ad
- this guy really wants to sell you a car!
Megaphone Prank
- this kid plays an awesome prank on a few customers...
Japanese Wrestler Fights Nobody...And Loses
- this wrestler put up one hell of a fight though
Gymnast Eats The Floor
- thats what happens when you buy your equipment from...
Resistant Drunk Driver Tasered By A Cop
- this drunk is pretty resistant to the tasers...
Sphere of Death Accident
- this accident could have been a lot worse had they...
Dr. Canada Commercial
- introducing the canadian health care spokesman, Dr....
Kid Gets Owned by Water Balloon
- not just once his friends decided to get him twice.
Billie Clean
- this guy rocks out to his Ipod while cleaning up the...
Heads Up Cheerleader
- a cheerleader at a high school basketball game learns...
World Guitar Speed Record
- starts out fairly fast then progressively gets faster...
Some Random Guy tripping out in a park
- this guy must have taken the blue acid
Double Head Kick
- this midget kicks himself in the head with both feet
Cool Optical Illusion
- just follow the on screen instructions.
Wrong way to tow a bulldozer
- this wasn't going well from the very start
- directed by todd browning who also directed the first...
Beaker's Ode to Joy
- beaker from the muppets belts out the 'Ode to Joy'...
Musical Lion Group
- very creative lion footage
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