Plane crash
- so who glued those wings on
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Crazy car crash
- maybe you should stay on your side of the road
Huge Traffic Accident
- huge t bone car crash
Huge car crash
- watch the tire just keep rolling
Thats gotta hurt
- that came out of no where
Weightlifting leg break
- listen to the snap
Soccer ankle break
- ouch that hurts
Gas Tanker Explosion
- a gas tanker just absolutely explodes
Fomula 1 Crash
- where did the car go?
Skateboard Faceplant
- skateboard faceplants trying to clear a gap
Skateboard Faceplant
- skateboard tries to clear a gap and faceplants
Hot Chick Gets Scared
- a girl freaks out after one of those scary computer...
Plane Crash
- this just looked bad from the start
Huge Shotgun
- gotta get me one of those
Roman Candle Headshot
- kid gets lit up with a roman candle
Pong Shot
- collection of some crazy pong shots
Real life Happy Gilmore shot
- wait a minute, wait a minute.....NOOO
Trick shot golf
- golf juggle and trick shot
Trick golf shots
- a collection of trick golf shots
Through the legs tennis shot
- didnt see that coming
Around the back
- an around the back tennis shot
Crazy double spare
- trick shot bowling
Sick full court shot
- the professor from and1 hits a crazy full court shot
Breaking the sound barrier
- looks pretty sweet
Goalie trades gloves for penalty kick
- a goalie get ejected from a game so he has to let a...
Player steals refs red card
- a soccer player steals a refs red card
Kick to the nuts
- a soccer player takes a kick right to the nuts
Right in the junk
- then he hits him again
Ball 3
- kid gets a pitch right in the junk
Nut shot
- total cheapshot nutshot
Crazy Hole in One
- Crazy water skip hole in one by Vijay Singh
Hard Faceplant
- backflip faceplant fail
- backflip faceplant
Great recovery
- a great recovery after an idiot driver causes a should...
Crazy car crash
- a crazy car crash when an idiot decides to drag at a...
How not to land a jet
- this pilot must of had a few
Crazy Helicopter Crash
- a helicopter crashes on an aircraft carrier
Amazing Catch
- Sick catch by Antonio Bryant
Check this out
- Football players showing off some skills for fantasy...
- 117 Uploads
- Profile Views: 14,323
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- Media Watched: 1,732
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- Media Favorited: 2
- Last Login: 724 weeks ago
- User Since: Jan 3, 2008
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