Life's a bitch
- Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to...
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WTF Pictures
- Really WTF man ?
Random interesting pictures
- How to Have a Better Life: (with Pictures)
Tuesday is Better than Friday
- Even better than Monday
rAnDoM tUeSdAy PiCtuRes
- eNjoY mY gAlLeRy
Bizarre pictures
- Did you say Crazyyyyyyyyyyyy :)
It's just the way it is
- More and more pics..
Random crazy pictures.
- I love it
Monday Randomness
- Let's stress begin
Randomness is awesome
- Life would not be worth living
Random Saturday pics..
- Enjoy your Caturday
It's A Horrible Investment
- Don't do it!
We'll Never forget
- 9/11: Then and now
why is my car totaled?
- Because of irresponsible Family tried to save money on...
Creatures You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
- Most people have never seen these animals before.
Creative Costumes of Still-Practiced Pagan Rituals
- “Tribal Europe” in his “Wilder Mann” series
Nice pictures you don't wanna miss
- Life is beautiful so enjoy it
Men Watch Footage Of Their Girlfriends Being Catcalled
- These guys are aware that this sort of thing goes on,...
Things Men Over 30 Should
- Absolutely NEVER Wear this !
MONDAY !!!!!!!!!
- Really ?
Facts About Walmart That Will Blow Your Mind
- Walmart’s $405 billion in revenue last year , bigger...
Surprising Photos From The Past
- Shows How Different Life Used To Be
Two High School Teachers Arrested
- For having threesome with a student!!!
Girls Suffered From Anorexia Nervosa
- BUT They WON
How To Quit Eating Junk Food
- Yea yea this is bad and all but.... anyone else fancy...
- Seriously For Real
- OMG….Words can’t describe how i feel
The American Government Spends Millions Of Dollars
- On this Strange Sh*ts !!!!!!
Incredible 70-Year-Old Traffic Jam In A Belgian Forest
- Supposedly all these vehicles were left behind by US...
Amazing Photography
- Not Photoshopped
Failed Attempts At Drug Smuggling
- Here is why it takes us so long to go through Customs.
Amazing Photos Of The Construction Of The Empire State...
- It stood as the world’s tallest building for nearly...
Awesome Breast Cancer Tattoo Coverups
- Tattooing for breast cancer survivors have been around...
Animal Myths You Probably Believe
- They’re NOT True!!!
People Who Passed Out Drunk & Woke Up Looking Like A...
- They may have a massive hangover, but at least they're...
Dumbest things you believed as kids
- Part -II-
Dumbest things you believed as kids
- Part -I-
Presenting: The Life of a Third Wheel
- Third Wheel Photobombing of a couple….
“Embarrassing” Kissing Fails
- He said he liked white girls but come on!!
- 540 Uploads
- Profile Views: 9,888
- Media Views: 3,131,711
- Media Watched: 4,142
- Media Featured: 13
- Media Favorited: 106
- Last Login: 480 weeks ago
- User Since: Jun 11, 2012
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