Genius's Plan to Get Out of Work Ends with Him...
- This man couldn't have failed harder even if he tried.
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9 Dumb Posts That Sound Even Worse with Autotune
- Can Autotune make the internet more tolerable?
19 Tweets That Show How Bright (or Not) Celebrities...
- I hope I never become famous.
Pakistan's Rollerblading Police Force Releases Another...
- What's next, cops on Heelys?
29 Funny Retail Sign Pranks That People Definitely Got...
- We think these employees deserve a raise.
Guy Tries to Crush Things with His Robotic Arm and...
- Why don't they make these things with a Hulk Mode...
15 Candid Photos of El Chapo's Beauty Pageant Wife
- What's the life of a drug kingpin wife like?
Fail of the Week: Texan Gets Stuck with $17,000...
- He got screwed over royally on this one.
Woman Stops Shaving Facial Hair and Everyone Loves It
- Hair so thicc.
25 Fresh 'n Funny Memes to Save This Week
- I laughed at every one of these.
Guy Turns Childhood Memory with Olsen Twins into...
- This song kinda slaps.
22 Relatable Work Memes to Clock Out Early With
- Hey boss, just deposit my paycheck and leave. See,...
22 Pretty Funny Jokes from Everyday People
- Some of these jokes make a good point.
TV News Crew Gets Robbed While Filming on the Street
- This guy's got balls.
Woman Snaps When She Returns to Find Her Car Frozen...
- Of all the parking spots in all of Texas, she had to...
24 Pics of Frozen Things in Texas That Shouldn't Be...
- Stay safe, Texans.
25 Funny Memes That Are Highly Relatable
- Live, laugh, leave your worries behind you.
15 Things I Will Never Take for Granted Again
- Just some ideas.
Texas Mayor Offers Needy Citizens the Middle Finger...
- Well, look how the turn tables have turned.
25 Years Later, Adam Sandler Can Still Do the 'Happy...
- He's still got it.
23 Dank Memes with a Very Specific Sense of Humor
- These are fresh from the freezer.
NASCAR Photographers Get Close to the Action
- Recommend watching with max volume for full effect.
Guy Uses Hood for Sled and It Works Better Than...
- Everything serves more than one purpose if you believe...
24 Tiny Facts That Most People Have Never Heard Of
- Expand your mind grapes with some knowledge.
Bam Margera's Latest Breakdown May Be the Saddest Yet
- This dude needs help.
Dave Chappelle Says How He Made Comedy Central Give...
- "I'm rich, b***h!"
26 of the Best Memes from This Month
- A day without a meme is no day at all.
Mom Takes Out Peeping Tom with Perfect Tackle
- Anyone out there trying to get tackled by this lady?
25 Funny Memes about Being Single on Valentine's Day
- This Valentine's Day, why not give yourself a...
'Midwest Siri' Is the Best AI on the Market
- Any midwesterners will understand immediately.
German Man Explains Baseball in the Funniest Way...
- Why are there pillows in the dirt?
Gorilla Glue Lady's Hair Is Almost Too Strong to Cut
- Even with the impeachment trial, this has been the...
29 Jokes from People Who Understand the Struggle
- Laughter on the outside, pain on the inside.
How the Annoying SoCal Accent Sounds to the Rest of Us
- I hate this video and everyone who enjoys it.
Craig Ferguson on Alcoholism and Britney Spears Is a...
- Craig seems like a solid dude.
24 Questions That Never Needed to Be Asked
- Yahoo Answers is my favorite place online.
22 Old People Absolutely Killing It Online
- Did you remember to call grandma today?
Chamillionaire Recalls the Time Michael Jordan Was a...
- This story is old but it may reshape the way you see...
25 Pieces of Extreme Life Advice Only for the Most...
- Improve your life in 69 easy steps.
Tesla Explosion May Put Elon in the Hot Seat
- New "burn me alive" feature works great!
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