Wife on a leash prank
- Hilarious prank, very well done.
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Freshman Acceptance Speech
- Epic welcome speech
How to summon black people
- Just a tiny bit racist
Not Your Typical Half Court Score
- Well that's one way to score...
Shoreline Brawl
- I think the venue is what really makes this fight...
Painting With Dots
- 3.2 Million dots.
Lee Corso F Bomb On ESPN Gameday
- Aww fuck it.
Fake Ref turns into Bench Clearing Brawl?
- What is happening?!
Battlefield 3 Simulator
- This is how games will be in the future.
Little Girl Run Over Twice
- 3 year old girl in China. People just sit there and...
Crazy Guy at the Gym
- What is he doing?
Awesome Dubstep Music Video
- It's just dubstep...who cares?
Kid Gets KTFO by a policeman
- The definition of getting jacked up...
Turtle Has Sex With Toy
- He has the weirdest boner ever.
Sex In a Van
- Doesn't look too dangerous...
Most Epic Cockblock Ever
- I don't think you can top this.
How to Deactivate a Cat
- With just a paper clip?
Epic Beer Save
- Dude saves his beer while trying to get the ball.
The Power's Back On
- Crazy lady in detroit is happy the power's back on.
Cliff Dive Fail
- Now that looked painful.
Kid Jumps Over Moving Car
- Pretty impressive if you ask me.
Lightning Rainbow
- It's pretty rare to see a rainbow and lightning at the...
Firework Gone Wrong
- Did he Died?
Foul Ball in Beer
- Fan catches a foul ball in his beer and proceeds to...
Rewalk Exoskeleton
- A little pricey.
- Most casual knockout ever?
Kid Gets KTFO at Concert
- I recommend not picking a fight when you're that drunk.
Mentos and Soda Headshot
- Yea we've all seen mentos and coke, but this is a shot...
Batman Gets His Ass Kicked
- Where was Robin?
Cop Tackles 15 Year Old Girl
- Police Brutality?
Streaker Gets Wrecked
- Fenway park. Why doesn't he run faster? Sorry for bad...
Thursday Night Awesomeness 15
- Late again...whatever.
Thursday Night Awesomeness 14
- Some of them are long. I put the winter one in because...
Biking Out a Doorway
- Woulda liked to see him get hurt but watcha gonna do?
Thursday Night Awesomeness 13
- Computer was messed up but now it's all good. I'm...
Epic Beruit Dunk
- Not once but twice.
Sunday Night Madness 12
- SNM 12
Dude Knocks Girl Out
- They seem like nice guys.
Sunday Night Madness 11
- SNM 11
- 129 Uploads
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- User Since: Oct 4, 2009
About Me
I live near Boston. I like sports and videogames.
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