Gangster Ass Little Kid
- This kid is a G
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How to Eat Vag
- as told by the poon eating expert
New Orleans Police Officers Kill Katrina Victims
- New Orleans Police Officers Plead Guilty To Firing At...
Bus Beat Down
- "Two women are under arrest after brawling with a...
Obama Niggardly
- Sign Posted Near Major road reading "Obama Niggardly,...
Gay Crippled Dances to Beyonce
- WTF?!?!
Everyone Poops
- I guess this is going to be an actual movie....
DMV Bans License Plate
- Colorado officials deny a woman's request to have a...
Stolen Tank Rampage
- This guy goes nuts and goes on a suicidal rampage...
Next Time You Are Feeling Sucidal...
- ....just pop this into your cd player
Money On Freeway
- Fleeing suspects throw money out of window on a San...
Pocket Bike Loop
- damn that looks fun
StreetDirt Bike Prototype
- Crazy modified Hyabusa with two rear wheels
Pedophile Prank
- Lmfao that's a good one
Love You Down
- Hilarious Video to Ready for the Worlds song "Love You...
Teenage Tourettes
- can be hilarious
Bowling Ball Accident
- These geniuses roll a bowling ball up a ramp from a...
Futuristic Motorcycle
- This is the Bimota Tesi 3d
Crazy Scooter Skills
- this guy has some serious scooter skills
Poo Dollar
- never gets old lol
Convicted Murderers Walk Free
- Life without parole means life without...
Push Up Face Plant
- attempting push up clap
Cop Makes Two Guys Rap
- ....to get out of a littering ticket, uh oh your in...
Girl Gets Tased
- Aarrrggghhhhhh
Big Harley Wheelie
- that guy is good
Lady Calls 911 on McDonalds
- Because they ran out of chicken nuggets......
One Hitta Quitta
- Daaaaaaaaaamn
Presidential Pokemon Battle
- I choose you!
F*ck The Police
- What A Dick
Old Man Fights Young Guy
- Surprise!!!! you've just been stabbed......
Man Attacks Teen
- crazy guy attacks a teen for skateboarding
Pet Python
- i hope it eats them all
F*ck YouTube
- Damn you're UGLY
Gangsta Grandma
- Shoot Him in the Toodles
Digital Graffiti
- a little long but the end result is very nice and very...
Google Street View Fail
- with Borat as the commentator "i fell...i am doing...
Better Nasty Chick Fight
- Black chicks can fight
Dumb European "Dancing"
- A reason why I love being American
Bad Salvia Trip
- watch this guy freak out after he smokes 2 bowls of 5x...
Shaniqua Dont Live Here No Mo
- this is reason why white people should not rap
- 45 Uploads
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- Last Login: 370 weeks ago
- User Since: Jan 6, 2009
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