This Kid's Parents Made Him The Ultimate Star Wars...
- This little boy loves Star Wars so his parents went...
Media videos
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When Your Crush Agrees To Talk To You On Skype...
- I think he is in love.
Guy Singing Chandelier by Sia When He Thinks No One Is...
- What is he embarrassed about?
The F*ck Boy Starter Kit
- Get your bitch ass off the couch and become a f*ck boy...
Little Boy Gets Destroyed By Obstacle Course
- This is good preparation for life.
Kid Digging For Nuggets Thinks No One Is Looking
- Hey, everyone likes their own brand... (Gross)
How Ahmed The 'Clock Boy' Conned America
- The entire thing was bullshit, intentional, and blown...
Girlfriend Scare-Cam
- This guy is hilarious/a bad boyfriend.
DMCA - Little Boy Trying To Break a Board In Taekwondo
- "Aya! ...AYAYAYAYA!"
McDonald's HQ is Not Going to Like This Video
- The McDonald's wage alone wasn't paying his bills.
Guy Who Never Played Competitive Basketball Slams...
- This guy wins the internet dunk competition.
Stephen Hawking Finally Weighs in on Zayn Malik...
- One of the smartest people on the planet tackles the...
This Audition Will Send Shivers Down Your Damn Spine
- Calum Scott was nervous. Then he surprised everyone.
Jiggly Boy Returns, Kevin Garnett Approves
- Kevin Garnett can definitely appreciate a triumphant...
Dad Tricks Son Into Going To School At 8pm
- What a relief it must have been to get to play Xbox...
How to Ruin a Birthday Party
- A birthday he will never forget!
Kid Destroys The Dollar Store
- This little boy's mom is no where to be found, and she...
Skeletor's Little Drummer Boy
- Skeletor is back with more festive cheer!
Kid Can't Handle Ride In A Suped Up Subaru
- Dad takes his son drifting in a 350HP Subaru and his...
Raven Finds GoPro, Calls It A "Good Boy"
- Footage of a talking raven complimenting a camera.
5 Year Old Does 90 Degree Pushups
- This kid is a beast!
Deaf Baby Hears For The Very First Time
- Lachlan is 7 weeks old and has hearing loss in both...
Kid Performs As Michael Jackson
- He kills it and the crowd loves it. That moonwalk tho!
Little Boy Gets A Llama Loogie
- Right in the face, gross!
The Biggest Douchebag On Vine
- Someone tell him he's white and he doesn't have a gun.
Noah Is Going To College!
- A young man with Down Syndrome opens his acceptance...
Dancing Boy Rejects Little Girl Like A Boss
- A jealous little girl tries to cut in, but instead...
Baby Gender Reveal Gone Wrong
- Big brothers reaction to baby gender being revealed.
Man Punches 8 Year Old Boy, Steals iPad
- Footage of a boy who was punched in the face by a...
Refusing A Life Saving Drug For 7 Year Old
- The drug company Chimerix simply said they "couldn't...
A Boy And His Dog
- An incredible story of a handicapped 7 year old, and...
Autistic Boy Gets Surprise From Trash Man!
- A feel good video all the way around!
10 Year Old Boy Calls In The Marines
- Now this is proper use of military force!
Ric Flair's Pregame Speech To 49ers
- The Nature Boy Ric Flair speaks to the 49ers before...
Florida State Ball Boy's Highlight Reel
- Frankie, aka Red Lightning doing what he does best.
Fat Kid River Dive Fail
- I bet he's a little "butthurt" now...
Little Tiger Boy Makes A Tiger Friend
- A young boy plays with a tiger at the zoo.
Birthday Boy
- A hilarious short and life-lesson from Cyanide &...
The Truth About Morgan Freeman
- You probably didn't know this, did you?
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