    • Rowdy Classroom
    • Rowdy Classroom

      • Stupid b^tch in the front at the end trying to act smart... ugh. Then that black kid that left was like get outa my face, and of course he b^tched out within 2 seconds and left...
      • Oct, 3 2008 08:09pm
    • Screwing Around With Child Protection Services
    • Screwing Around With Child Protection...

      • Such a low rating because it didn't work at first. I'd like the ratings to get reset so we can get an accurate rating. Also, I am pretty sure she knew it was fake, at least at points it seemed that way, it was just her job to keep talking.
      • Oct, 3 2008 10:22am
    • This Woman is Allowed to Vote
    • This Woman is Allowed to Vote

      • At first I was like, oh no, she is making the Republicans look bad! Then she mentioned Clinton, then it came clear to me! Stereotypical racist! Well not necessarily, but thank Zeus Krist she isn't a Republican!
      • Oct, 3 2008 10:09am
    • McCain is Palin's Bitch
    • McCain is Palin's Bitch

      • Oh yeah, Beris, if you are serious... really? Yeah, history has shown that, but to actually say that basing it off of that is kinda silly, just because women can cook doesn't mean a man can't. Anyway, I think Obama is stupid for reasons other than his skin color, like his stupid taxing of the top 5%. If he does that, that means people making like 250,000 a year will get taxed DRAMATICALLY more than 249,000 dollar people. So that would essentially make 249,000 be more money than 250,000, so what would drive someone to go higher? People in that area would get contracts lower than 250,000 to save money. That will slow down the economy and cause less want for small businesses to expand! On top of that, it is freaking Socialist! I am not even in the top 5%, I would be getting more money, but I still think it is f^cking stupid.
      • Oct, 3 2008 10:00am


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