    • Basketball Star Collapses In Court
    • Basketball Star Collapses In Court

      • If I was a white-supremacist (which i'm not) I would be the biggest rap promoter out there. I'd get 50cent and Master P and Lil Wayne out there as often as I could to show all the black kids how much money they can make if they just quit school and start selling drugs, to other black people. I'd say things like "thug life" and I'd have them all wearing gold chains and flashing stacks of cash around. Lucky for the actual white-supremacist that the work is being done for them.
      • Aug, 25 2012 10:44pm
    • Grannies song about 'Legitimate Rape'
    • Grannies song about 'Legitimate Rape'

      • How do you even know they're liberals? All they're saying is rape is bad... even "legitiment rape." Do you have to be in favor of rape to be Republican these days?
      • Aug, 25 2012 10:21pm
    • 'You have illusion of choice' George Carlin
    • 'You have illusion of choice' George...

      • I voted Obama last time and will do so again....but I wish I wish I could vote for Ron Paul. I would've voted McCain last time if it wasn't for Sarah fucking Palin. Republicans have nothing to offer anyone who isn't a rich, white, male, christian extremist.
      • Aug, 25 2012 10:09pm
    • Want It? Come and Get It!
    • Want It? Come and Get It!

      • @Rainbowrider If there are people armed with guns on planes 9/11 would have been the 132nd terrorist attack, instead of the 1st. I'm all for gun rights, but not on planes for christ's sake.
      • Aug, 25 2012 09:58pm
    • Religious Branding
    • Religious Branding

      • grandma?? is that you? turn off the tv for a while grandma, i think it's stuck on fox again. calm down, i'll be there shortly to give you your medicine.
      • Aug, 25 2012 09:25pm
    • Crop Circles
    • Crop Circles

      • Me and my friends tattooed a checker board on your moms back so we can pass the time while we run a train on her. Tell her to king me.....she'll know what you mean. ;-)
      • Aug, 25 2012 07:51am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @TheMarxist I don't know how you can claim superiority becuase your oppion differs from someone elses on one of a million issues. But, like I said, that's what makes people like you so wicked. You use your "superiority" to justify all sorts of nasty shit. You can't just say, "we have a difference of oppinion," you have to say "i'm better than you." How pathetic.
      • Aug, 25 2012 04:34am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @TheMarxist Also, how do you know my wife and daughter's views on abortion? All I said was "who are you to tell them what they can do with their own bodies?" If you would just quit putting your fears into everything, and get off your moral high horse, the rational part of your brain might start working a bit.
      • Aug, 22 2012 08:29am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @Shamanfryd Who said anything about aborting an 8 month old fetus? Who said anything about having abortions because you're too lazy to take care of the baby, and then getting knocked up again? I don't know why you people always try to change our arguments to the most extreme views and then take the most extreme opposite stance as if you're so righteous. Try listening to people sometimes and argue against what they say, not against what you fear.
      • Aug, 22 2012 08:19am


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