    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @TheMarxist I think you just revealed yourself there, didn't you? That's precisely why religion is wicked and evil, you think you are morally superior to other people. You're certainly free to have your own oppinions, but all of this was settled back in 1973 and you guys have been crying about it ever since. You can be as angry as you want and shake your fist at the liberals all you'd like, but the truth is you lost this issue.... it's over and done with.... face it and move on.
      • Aug, 22 2012 07:12am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @Shamanfryd First of all, read my comment again cuz there's isn't anything hateful about it. I simply pointed out somebody else's hate. And secondly, who's talking about accepting all religions? I certainly don't. I reject them, so keep your nonsence voodoo and superstitions to yourself.
      • Aug, 22 2012 07:05am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • These are the same people that think the world is 4000 years old and that the bible is the only science book they need. Uneducated, hateful people say uneducated, hateful things.... what else did you expect?
      • Aug, 21 2012 09:34am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @TheMarxist So you approve of cold blooded murder, but not a simple medical procedure? That's an interesting insight into the delusional mind of a right winger.
      • Aug, 21 2012 09:23am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • I think it all boils down to one simple question... Who are you (or anyone else) to tell my daughter or wife what they can and can't do with their own body? And don't try and tell me that a couple of cells constitutes a living person, because it doesn't... that's just religion getting in the way of science again.
      • Aug, 21 2012 09:20am
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy
    • Rape Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

      • @scoobyfoo If you're not afraid of the truth try looking up some actual facts about the founding fathers, not just the bullshit they peddle on fox. You'll see that nearly all of them actively spoke out against religion and specifically warned of the dangers of letting religious nuts run the country.
      • Aug, 21 2012 09:16am
    • The Battle over the G Word III
    • The Battle over the G Word III

      • I think after your first post everyone realized you were just an idiot and quit paying attention. There's really no need to keep posting unless you're just feeling extra self-righteous today.
      • Aug, 19 2012 10:54pm
    • Occupuy Wall Street
    • Occupuy Wall Street

      • We'll let you know when it's over... i'm pretty sure this is just the begining.
      • Aug, 19 2012 10:21pm


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