    • Jogger Known As The
    • Jogger Known As The "Mad Pooper" Is...

      • I saw a video, it was this old dude shuffling down a busy hospital hallway. He stops, drops a log right in his pants, then shakes his leg and the thing travelled down his pants leg and drops on the floor, then he walks off like nothing happened. I bet this woman could run faster than that guy.
      • Sep, 21 2017 11:44am
    • Raw Video of Police Killing Georgia Tech Student Scout Schultz
    • Raw Video of Police Killing Georgia...

      • Police are trained to stop life-threatening or murderous behaviour with lethal force, which is what is required to stop a drug affected person wielding a weapon. Aiming for a small, moving, non lethal target like a hand/arm/foot/leg does not achieve this. All it does is have a (small) chance of injuring the person, so the person will still be a threat to life. Often the person is on drugs like meth that enable them to ignore pain and injury, and they can still launch themselves at police or a member of the public, cover a surprising amount of ground, and inflict lethal injuries. So they are trained to fire at the body mass and completely neutralise the target. In a crisis people fall back their training - that is what training is for. So if you are trained to fire at body mass in a life threatening situation, that is what you do.
      • Sep, 19 2017 06:44am
    • SJW's Throw A Tantrum After Their Protest Backfires In Their Face
    • SJW's Throw A Tantrum After Their...

      • I didn't see a tantrum, or a protest backfiring. What I saw was a bunch of white people who have been indoctrinated and brow beaten to hate their own race, culture, history, and traditions. Critical-thoughtless zombies who fail to see that almost every technological invention, engineering miracle, medical advancement and social structure they enjoy has actually been created by white people. How is Haiti going, or Zimbabwe, or South Africa, or Liberia? Doing great now that the evil whitey is gone? Got running water and electricity yet? (The answer is no, no, yes but not for long, and no).
      • Sep, 1 2017 03:19pm


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