    • The Wink and the Gun. A Terrorist Threat!
    • The Wink and the Gun. A Terrorist...

      • You know Dangle, you can really write about some good realistic things that people can relate to! This one I can relate to very much!! My youngest son who's now 17, had a similar incident happen to him in second grade when he found a plastic toy helicopter propeller on the ground and thought to him self that he can use it to make one of his toy helicopters fly better when he got home later that day. Well, a girl who was a little upset at him (a few minutes later after finding the propeller) because he was playing with one of her friends and having a good time with him tripped my son on the way back to class and she saw the plastic helicopter blade fall out of his hand and she told one of the teachers that he had a knife! Man, shit hit the fan! and the sad thing is that the principle reacted without confirming ANYTHING! She suspended him until they could find out the exact details which took 5 days! Needles to say he got reinstated but the girl who told the lie only got a reprimand. Now
      • Jan, 27 2013 09:49pm
    • Gun control: A much harder decision than we think
    • Gun control: A much harder decision...

      • The same way our criminals do! As a matter of fact ABC of all places put out a story about where the criminals get the guns from, and it ain't from the gun store LEGALLY! Here's the link: If this doesn't get you there it's under the US section of the videos. I tried to copy it but I think their starting to put blocks on the videos now.
      • Jan, 26 2013 02:11pm
    • Gun control: A much harder decision than we think
    • Gun control: A much harder decision...

      • Bottom line! It's about control! Also it's "easier" for everyone to look for the "quick fix" rather than fix the real problems. Here's some other stats Gun crimes committed in the UK 7,000 in 2011. Australia 5,000USA 16,000 ( these are not homicides these are crimes committed with guns that the UK and Australia aren't supposed to have especially since both countries have had gun bans for more than 15 years. Yes the homicides are lower in those 2 countries and isn't that strange that the liberal press only uses the "homicide" stats? No not really cause you you factor in the gun crime stats with the size difference that you mentioned, they would look like this.USA 16,000 but has 5 times the population that the UK has so 7,000 x 5 = 35,000Australia has 14 times the population as the USA so 5,000x 14 = 70,000And besides their not supposed to have any guns at all ! So where did they get them? The same way our criminals do! As a matter of fact ABC of all places put out a story about where th
      • Jan, 26 2013 02:10pm
    • Some Killer Stats And Facts
    • Some Killer Stats And Facts

      • Wrong! The most frequently quoted statement by a Supreme Court justice on the subject of privacy comes in Justice Brandeis's dissent in Olmstead v. U. S. (1928): "The makers of our Constitution understood the need to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness, and the protections guaranteed by this are much broader in scope, and include the right to life and an inviolate personality -- the right to be left alone -- the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men. The principle underlying the Fourth and Fifth Amendments is protection against invasions of the sanctities of a man's home and privacies of life. This is a recognition of the significance of man's spiritual nature, his feelings, and his intellect."
      • Jan, 25 2013 12:46am


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I am for the 2nd amendment. I am for LESS government and more FREEDOM. I don't agree with people who think that they need the government to be their guide and tell them what to do. I believe in thinking for yourself. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Sam Kinison, and Foster Brooks are my favorite comedians. I don't like Religions jammed down my throat, but I do believe in the idea of Karma because I have seen it in action many times. My creed is : I don't have any time for bullshit and I don't give it. The 3 things I love the most is playing and making music, riding my bike, and eating pussy. ( not necessarily in that order ) I also dislike rap music and think that everyone has gotten lazy in being creative!

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