    • We are in desperate need of a one world government.
    • We are in desperate need of a one world...

      • Haven't logged in in almost a week, and you're the first thing I see. Almost makes me want to stay away, except for the latent satisfaction I get from knowing that my superior intellect and wit will be sure to annoy you. It almost makes it worth it. Oh, and just one thing: I didn't read your whole insipid blog, but "there are very little flaws and these flaws are nothing but miniscule and almost irrelevant.'- Um, kudos? Not only is that horrible grammar, but it is also a virtual textbook lesson in redundancy, even with its' asinine errors. Ryan, you truly a Losers Loser. Go fuck yourself, you illiterate bag of Monkey piss. Have a great day!
      • Apr, 24 2012 07:31pm
    • Race Card
    • Race Card

      • This is a fantasy that will never actually work. In the US, 80% of the prison population is Black. Do you think it's a coincidence? Look, I have some empathy... a lot of inner-city Blacks grow up in bad places with no education. However, they DO have the opportunity to move up and out of thses situatiins- they choose not too. It's actually a really interesting phenomena.
      • Apr, 14 2012 10:15am
    • My Haiku
    • My Haiku

      • Don't make Haikus rhyme. Then they just sound like Rap.
      • Apr, 9 2012 05:40pm
    • help
    • help

      • You know, when I encounter situations like that, I usually ask "Where do I know you from"? Seems to work pretty well.
      • Apr, 9 2012 01:40pm
    • White People Naive
    • White People Naive

      • "The death of any person... is never ever a good thing"... Wrong. Dead wrong.
      • Apr, 7 2012 09:15pm
    • 5 Star Ratings vs Honesty
    • 5 Star Ratings vs Honesty

      • My hockey skates are flat. Someone left a bucket of water out in the rain and now it's wet. Wheat bread doesn't taste as good as white bread. My cock was recently plated in chrome. My testicles are the size of soccer balls, but my penis requires a microscope to view. My orgasms make my penis squeak. I am at this very moment baking chicken strips at 425 f, and they will be tasteless, just like most of the bloggers on this site.
      • Apr, 7 2012 06:31pm


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