    • Small Airplane And Passengers Saved By Parachute
    • Small Airplane Saved By Parachute

      • It does look like there were a lot of trees there. If it really was an alpine forest or something, alright, thats about your only option. Outside of that, you should be able to find a place to put it down more safely than the BRS... VFR in IMC is possible, it looks like a high overcast and he could have become disoriented and lost control and pulled the chute. I'd be really interested in reading the accident report.
      • May, 13 2014 07:21am
    • Small Airplane And Passengers Saved By Parachute
    • Small Airplane Saved By Parachute

      • lovelessk999, THANK YOU. Why someone would pull the chute on an engine failure is beyond me. Fly the damn airplane like its a heavy glider. I see how it would be a nice thing to have in the event of a structural or control surface failure though.
      • May, 12 2014 11:54pm
    • Michael Sam Reacts to Being Drafted by the Rams
    • Michael Sam Reacts to Being Drafted by...

      • Ladies and gentleman, I give you the first 7th round draft pick that has a camera team at his house when his name is called. Why, you ask? Because he chose to have sex with men. He also has many articles written about him on, among othe web sites and news papers. Why? Because he chose to have sex with men. He is viewed as a hero for standing up. For what? Him choosing to have sex with men. People are called homophobic bigots, and gay rights activists are ready to riot because people who love football because its football, do not view him as the best player in the draft. Why? Because thinking with your heart leads to chaos. Thinking with your brain leads to rational conclusions, and order, and they hate that.
      • May, 11 2014 08:38am
    • Racism alive and well In Brooklyn
    • Racism alive and well In Brooklyn

      • The people on that bus showed a lot of restraint. I'm a White Conservative Republican and I would have forcefully thrown his ass off of the bus for that. There is simply no damn excuse for that.
      • May, 7 2014 11:26am


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