    • Questioning PTA Board Gets Dad Arrested
    • Questioning PTA Board Gets Dad Arrested

      • How dare he question Authority? There the Authority for a reason. They know what's best for us, and they do it perfectly. I want to personally thank liberals for making us not need to think anymore, just let them think for us!
      • Apr, 17 2014 09:24am
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • Lmao, as I've said, blink, you are impossible to debate with. Your condescending tone is enough to make anyone not want to talk to you. It's not very rational of me to try and rationalize with a pissed off gorilla, and that's essentially what's happening here. I've had enough.
      • Apr, 16 2014 08:00pm
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • lol, blink you're too good. How could I ever argue with irrational thought? As I've said before, I have a hard time believing that you're a liberal. There is no way that the person you portray yourself as would last in this world. It's called Darwinism, and you're one weak person if you are who you claim to be. In all seriousness, I appreciate what you do for our party.
      • Apr, 16 2014 07:50am
    • $75K 'Edge Of Space' Balloon Ride Gets FAA Approval
    • $75K 'Edge Of Space' Balloon Ride Gets...

      • lol uhh, I seriously doubt the ride down would be that peaceful. There are winds exceeding 100kts. at those altitudes, and you would feel it in a friggin' parachute.
      • Apr, 15 2014 02:44am
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • yet somehow to you these rights are just disposable. You shrug, call me an idiot when I say that I realize how important, and dear these rights are, which is simply further evidence to your naivety. You'll see it someday.
      • Apr, 15 2014 01:09am
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • As a matter of fact, I did not receive a response. I can only imagine it's because I did not include my address in the body of the letter, only on the envelope as a return address. Even if I did, you would find some false error to bitch and moan about. I have nothing to prove to you. You are too biased, and stubborn for me to have a rational debate with, and I'm tired of arguing with you and your pre-teen demeanor. You're another one of those who is convinced that they know whats best, but will realize soon enough that you have never truly listened to both sides. You probably picked sides in high school because it was "cool", and you're too young and naive to take multiple opinions, and apply them to our fundamental liberties, which you are so willing to give up. Well, you're willing to give them up, because in your naivety you do not realize that they are the very things that allow you to say the stupid shit you say. Over 1.3 million soldier have died, and millions more left disabled
      • Apr, 15 2014 01:06am


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