    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • lol, that's what I thought. Instead an objective discussion like a rational person, you resort to name calling in an attempt to give your self esteem a little boost. What I did to make you say I'm "continuing with my pity party", is beyond me. My brain doesn't function illogically enough to understand what could possibly make you say that. As for your "options 1 and 2", crap, I have sent numerous letters to congressmen explaining why I disagree with their stance (generally regarding gun registration, limits on magazine capacity, registration of ammunition, lead bullet bans, and possible confiscation and felony charges if their unjustifiable and unlawful "rules", are not met), how it infringes upon my rights, and how I will spend every last dollar I have supporting their opponents in an effort to keep them out of office due to their blatant disregard for our rights.
      • Apr, 14 2014 06:32pm
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • Good, good, you're starting to see your options. Because I follow the Constitution, and know it should be preserved, and upheld. You enjoy changing it, and re-programming the way our Country functions entirely. Great point! Get your ass out.
      • Apr, 14 2014 08:17am
    • This is why Citizens Should Never Give Up Their Guns
    • This is why Citizens Should Never Give...

      • The Sandy hook shooting happened in a state with some of the strictest gun control in the nation. Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the nation, yet always finds itself at the top of the crime list. Hmmm... That's a mystery.
      • Apr, 14 2014 12:14am
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • Also, you don't think the verbiage that was changed in HR347 makes it an entirely different law? You used to be able to protest in the presence of the POTUS as well as the secret service, not anymore. You're justifying a law because they revised an existing one? How does that make it ok? How does that NOT infringe on my right to peaceful protest?
      • Apr, 13 2014 06:16am
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • Good lord, blink, are you that oblivious? Requiring that magazines be limited to 10 rounds, no semi-automatic rifles, and no "military style accessories", and even no detachable magazines (not to mention the ban on "assault bullets" [lol]), is not "restricting"? As I've told you before, you're either a conservative posing as a liberal to try and make liberals seem more idiotic (bravo, if that's what you're doing), or you really are a complete idiot. I refuse to debate with someone who has proven themselves to be impossible to rationally debate with (as you have in the past debating with me).
      • Apr, 13 2014 05:29am
    • Just say NO
    • Just say NO

      • Lol, what? Can't name one freedom that is being taken away? How about 1st amendment? Obama will not allow you to protest him in his presence, god help you if you do. 2nd Amendment? The first reaction they had after Sandy hook was to label all semi-automatic rifles as "Assault-Rifles", in order to inject fear into the mass oblivious, and begin the first stages of a gun registration (which almost always has led to confiscation). 3rd amendment, ok, yeah, we're good as of now. 4th Amendment? How about the NSA recording our texts, phone conversations, and emails without probable cause (yes, I understand that they "cant" access that information without probable cause, but do you honestly believe them?). ALL of these things have been done "In the name of Safety". Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would sacrifice essential liberty for safety deserve neither liberty, nor safety". I want my liberty, and can protect myself. If others can't, maybe we should just chock it up to darwinism.
      • Apr, 12 2014 10:35pm
    • Mass Incarceration In The United States
    • Mass Incarceration In The United States

      • It's a difficult pill to swallow because I too place an extremely high value on human life. If said human life is endangering others on a consistent basis, and showing no signs of rehabilitation, why would one continue to tolerate it? How CAN one continue to tolerate it? It leaves your loved ones at risk, not to mention the innocent people that you do not know. They have been given their chance to redeem themselves, and they proved that they are incapable. The reason is simple. They don't fear the punishment they face.
      • Apr, 12 2014 11:15am
    • Mass Incarceration In The United States
    • Mass Incarceration In The United States

      • For instance. Someone who has a long history of committing violent crimes, and commits another, really should be thrown away like garbage. How can anyone argue that a multiple repeat violent felon should not be ridden from society? They have proven time, and time again that they are incapable of living in a civilized society with any sort of civility. In addition to the fact that this would rid us of the repeat violent felons, it would deter others from following in their footsteps.
      • Apr, 12 2014 11:11am
    • Mass Incarceration In The United States
    • Mass Incarceration In The United States

      • dead_guy, that is an extremely unfortunate occurrence, but it is also extremely rare. The worst case scenario always becomes the center of an argument, but is that really what the argument is about? In the grand scheme of things, is the ridiculously rare occurrence of a wrongly convicted killer what is going to keep us from "throwing out the trash"? The reason we have such a problem with crime, is simply because the criminals don't mind the punishment anymore. They have friends in jail, and prison. Well, the gangbanger thugs do. But to omit an entire argument on the premise that every once in a great while someone is wrongly convicted is comical at best. There are many "crimes", that I believe ought to have a far less severe punishment, and there are crimes that I believe ought to have a far more severe punishment.
      • Apr, 12 2014 11:06am


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