    • Separation of Church and State
    • Separation of Church and State

      • That's basically the same for me as well. I've always said to keep what's secular, secular. Religion belongs in the home or at the place of worship, not in our education systems and government.
      • Apr, 18 2012 01:34am
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically Ethical?
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically...

      • Again, it boils down to a woman's right to choose what SHE wants to do with HER body. Regardless if it has the potential, the fact is that the embryo is not a human until after the first trimester. I never said most abortions are in the case of a rape. I understand where you're coming from because I myself used to have the same opinion. Also, like I said before, the only time a post first trimester abortion can happen is in the case of dire medical emergency.
      • Apr, 17 2012 07:55pm
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically Ethical?
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically...

      • Technically, sperm (obviously in the proper circumstances) has the potential to be a life as well; but most people don't lose their shit over someone fapping. Regardless if it has the potential, it still isn't technically a person. Tell me, friend, what would you say to a woman who was raped or a victim of incest? At what point does an embryo's rights supersede the right's of the woman who it's biologically dependant on?
      • Apr, 17 2012 04:28am
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically Ethical?
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically...

      • A collection of cells isn't a person. There IS a cutoff point to having an abortion and the only time they ignore that is in the case of a dire medical emergency; and the Mother still has to deliver the stillborn baby after they induce labor. It's a woman's right to choose what she wants to do when it comes to her body. Go ahead and watch the link I posted.
      • Apr, 17 2012 03:44am
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically Ethical?
    • Just Kill That Fuckin' Baby. Medically...

      • Not really. They put down the facts and make compelling points to back it up. As the caller demonstrated, people simply don't know the facts when it comes to this subject.
      • Apr, 17 2012 03:34am
    • Let's Talk Christians!
    • Let's Talk Christians!

      • And that's a bit ridiculous. The fact is, you can slap an infinite amount of explanations in place of "god".
      • Apr, 2 2012 02:32am
    • Let's Talk Christians!
    • Let's Talk Christians!

      • Not necessarily. I could then say "Oh, only I can see them". Once again, there is no reason to believe something that has no evidence to support it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and that which can be asserted without evidence can be denied without it. You can't prove a negative.
      • Apr, 1 2012 07:21pm


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