    • What happened?
    • What happened?

      • Who knows, but it seems like this shift suddenly happened out of nowhere. I find that a good discussion can entertaining :)
      • Mar, 3 2012 08:06pm
    • Atheism
    • Atheism

      • If we did, I would worship those tbh. But the existence of god(s) is an unknowable, unprovable idea. The universe has laws, and the supernatural is beyond those laws, therefore, it can't be accurately demonstrated by science. The default position on the subject is atheism anyway. You aren't born believing in deities and the main factor that determines the one or ones you do believe in(for the most part) is the country you were born in/upbringing. I was once a Christian (one of the ones who rejected creationism for evolution) because I was indoctrinated into it as a child. About 6 years ago, is when I came to reject all proponents and ideologies of religion by assessing the beliefs I had with logic and reason.
      • Mar, 2 2012 11:30pm
    • A Pack of Bullshit
    • A Pack of Bullshit

      • Oh, they want the tax revenue. Trying to outlaw tobacco would backfire immensely. Now, even though I smoke cigars, I can understand your pain as they have tried to slap these ugly warning on beautifully crafted cigar boxes. That is a level of utter bullshit on it's own.
      • Mar, 2 2012 10:36pm
    • Atheism
    • Atheism

      • I find it ironic that theists claim that we believe everything came from nothing when in fact, it's EXACTLY what they're saying.(if they're a silly creationist anyway)
      • Mar, 2 2012 10:00pm


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